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  • Oh she did The Time Traveler's Wife. I read that book. It's awesome. Lots of sex in it :DDD
    ... DAMMIT... Fine, you win. ...I need another movie that's perverted enough so I can ogle at the hot actresses in it.
    Soy es Patrick [/randomerest cause i spelt that wrong and gave you my name]
    meh. I'm poor now. But I have two battles anyway so money's coming to my pockets :D
    ... I just realized. There probably a stunt double which means there's a person equally as hot as her! We still have a chance :D
    Actually, people who bump year-old topics piss me off more.

    ...I love that guy's nicknames :'D

    Well, I checked Tentacruel up on Smogon and I saw two support sets and one SD set. No special set, even though its special attack is higher. I guess that's because 80 isn't all that good by OU standards and it has no way to boost it?
    100 speed isn't too bad, actually, and Tentacruel definitely could soak up some special hits. Though Tentacruel doesn't get electricity or fire, or a good grass (Giga Drain only has 60 BP as opposed to Energy Ball's 80), and Octillery has 105 Sp. Attack as opposed to Tentacruel's 80, so I think Octillery'd be better as a special sweeper.

    *runs* D: It's digested by now! It's not worth it!

    Typically I only stay up 'til 11 nowadays. Too sleepy.

    Birthday...? It was your birthday recently? OTL;; Happy belated birthday, if I missed it!
    I play Rock Band. Never tried Guitar Hero.
    Late reply is late.

    I probably could, too, but they're probably not so irritating that they deserve the GTFO class. Just, as you'd put it, lower-class. :P

    His username alone makes me want to watch his videos. *disappears*

    Naw, their roles are completely different. I don't know much about Tentacruel, but I'm quite sure it's for absorbing Toxic Spikes and laying them down, along with some special walling perhaps, not entirely sure. Octillery, though, has Charge Beam, Fire Blast, Surf, Ice Beam, Energy Ball... In other words, if it had the speed, it'd be able to special sweep like no tomorrow.

    ...Oh, that was your brain? Oops. :'D

    I keep waking up at like 7:30 now D: Stupid school.
    That's lucky... my dad used to travel a lot too, but he was usually gone for months at a time...

    Oh, I dunno, I think these people can easily compare to five-year-olds. T_T I'm just happy it'll all be over tonight and things can get back to normal.

    ...You picked a starter because I get money fast, didn't you? Don't even deny it. xD Anyways, I just gotta have her approved, and then she's all yours. Feel free to change the name, obviously; I named her after my OC in my story who started with a Cyndaquil. :P

    I've never tried that before, mostly because I hate having wet rags on my head, but I've heard that it works. Usually sleeping it off works for me, though.
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