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  • And if only I saw the changing scene in IMAX :D She is a total badass hot chick :D
    Huh. Suddenly I'm at a lack of things to do. I guess I'll go buy a Beldum to play around with. =D
    And it's up.

    I don't think I've ever managed to write that much in just an hour or so.
    Well, dad isn't on vacation, he's living/working across the country. Still doesn't mean he couldn't call my uncle or someone and send him over.

    The difference is that these aren't little kids... though, for the way they act, they might as well be.

    Happy birthday, by the way... I didn't realize it until people started posting in the thread, so I didn't get you anything... so is there anything you're particularly interested in? I'll probably gonna log for tonight after I post this cause I have a huge headache, but I'll definitely get it to you tomorrow.
    and by the way, be thankful for the fact you sent Rift specifically out, most other Pokémon would come out of this round in a bad condition
    Well, a Squooch Box lasts MUCH longer! I've had mine for 4,000 years! HA! How long have you had yours? Only a millennium?

    ...Who said I rule the univer- OOOH AUTOGRAPH! ;;Woofs and fetches;;
    I'm buying you a Buneary cause I couldn't think of a perverted Pokemon but if you evolve Buneary, you could rub your face in her fluffy boobies :D
    a tad late for that I suppose

    but at the very least you can have this much: Rift is not gonna lose health
    now it's my turn to say happy birthday

    tell you what, though, the rng doesn't seem to be quite willing to celebrate it in your battle I'm reffing
    Sorta, he can only get on on his iPod, he moved in with his sister and doesn't have good wifi either.
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