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  • Gasp your that person i maxmaxholly randomly praise for no apparent reason on my site and tqftl forums.
    Good lad. ;;Bows back;;

    ;;Squooches in an awkwarsd semi-conversational manner;; ...Oh whoops! I had my Squooch Box turned on!

    ...Well, don't ask me! This isn't my basement! And hey wait, don't you distract me! Come back!
    Hey there, happy birthday!

    Would you be willing to have a four-way Bronzor battle against me, Togetic, and Brock?
    Oh, yeah, both parents know. I shot them texts. They both ignored me. So yeah.

    I guess. They could have been just high out of their mind and found a locked door and went "what's in here? Hey it won't open!" without realizing it was someone's room. Either way, that made me lose it.

    You don't want reffing tips from me, trust me. :P Best go to someone experienced.
    Well, learn next time for when you do any future potato related actions.


    ...Hmm, I see you have the Face of Lies on.
    Six times. Imagine doing that in real life. And you're a politician for some odd reason. And you're in the middle of a four hour speech. And you feel compelled to repeat it six times.

    This might also be relevant.
    The party don't start till I walk in. [/kesha]

    You need more EV training to get an attack stat.

    And you totally used a TM to get it before learning it by level up.
    Well, here Down Under where giant rats jump, it IS your birthday. You just leveled up in real life.

    Blackthorne grew to level 13!
    HP + 0
    Attack + 0
    Defense + 0
    Speed + 0
    Sp. Attack + 0
    Sp. Defense + 0

    Blackthorne is trying to learn Puberty! But Blackthorn can't learn more than four moves! Which move to delete to replace with Puberty?


    Delete Sleep?

    1..2..3...Poof! Blackthorne forget Sleep, and learned Puberty!

    Cause nobody likes sleeping.
    Oh, I deleted my rant post. Well, basically my sisters invited a huge amount of people here since my mom's on vacation for the weekend and they all got high and drunk and were like trying to break into my room while I was trying to sleep and stuff, and I was just flipping out. Yeah, I was in no condition to be doing math or writing. And then today I was just way too tired since they kept me up half the night. But I went out with a friend and am somewhat calmer now, so I'm in the middle of those reffings now.

    I could, but what's the point of that if I won't use them? I'd want to at least get something that might be worthwhile.
    Oh dear lord! You should've asked me before trying it! I would've told you! Now... now you must live with that memory for the rest of your life...

    ;;Has an epic squeal feast in which there is much jumping and fist flailing, keels over from the squealsy;;

    What happened...? I can't remember...
    Aah good. I thought for a moment, you bought Potato Epic Fattener. I tried that one time and... ;;Shudders;;

    Hmm... perhaps it's because they ARE orgasmic! The most orgasmic of all things!

    Mmmm. Just THINKING about it! ;;Squeal, squeal;;

    ;;Is uncrushed, gasps breathing;; ...Ow.
    Yeah, maybe. After last night, it sure feels like the world is ending. I'll see if I can do them today.

    I could, but other than what's there now, I dunno what I want, if anything. I'll have to think that over.
    Yeah... unless neither opponent can hurt it, due to Wonder Guard, then it can be nice.

    Yeah, haha. I'll have my wishlist in no time... I'm feeling really crappy recently though, I have like no energy or will to do... well, anything. I'm a bit guilty that both my battles are awaiting me, but I feel like a walking zombie right now.
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