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  • Yep... I wasn't terribly disappointed, since it's just a Wurmple and I couldn't have chosen what it evolved to anyway, but that doesn't make it any more fair. :P

    Yeah... I'm really crappy at it. I dunno, maybe I'm doing it wrong somehow.

    Dude, I'd never heard of that before. o.o That's still pretty crappy odds, but I may just try that. :D
    I THINK I'm free to challenge. My names still barred from challenging, but I only have two battles being reffed and one waiting for a ref. I'm currently reffing one battle, so I should be allowed to. I'll try post a challenge, and see how it goes. Expect it in a few days. =D
    Nice, free shinies are always sweet. Sucks that you found it in the Great Marsh, though. The only thing worse is finding a shiny before you get any pokeballs. Curse you, early game shiny Wurmple... D: Actually, that's a hard one. Both situations suck, but I'm not sure if it's worse to not even have a chance for it, or to almost get it and let it slip away.

    Yeah, you should never go north, the trainer's head is huge. T_T

    Anyway, I can never seem to chain things properly. I think my highest chain is six. >.> That Magnemite was lucky.

    I don't know the masuda method. Is there something to breeding that actually boosts the chance of shinies? o.o
    Yeah, I've been pretty lucky with shinies. As for your Machoke, that's still pretty lucky too. I mean, even chaining, two shinies in a row? What are the odds of that? I want a shiny Froslass too. T_T

    Um... the Magneton was the only one I successfully chained, because I absolutely love how it looks. The non-bred, non-GTS, non-gift onesthough, were random encounters. Before I used the power items and AR, I EV'd the slow way, on Starly and Bidoof. I found all three of those (+Staraptor, since one of the Starly was good natured so I EV'd it) while EVing someone else. The Glalie was a GTS offer too, actually. Blastoise was actually traded to me by someone on these forums in exchange for a clone of the shiny Empoleon I'd gotten as a starter when I got a second copy of Diamond. Spiritomb was the one I'd gotten by breeding. Oh, and the Jolteon was a gift. Wow, I really over-generalized when I said "in the wild or bred". o.o Sorry.

    No, I used to think the same thing, which is why I never used them to begin with. But yeah, it's not perminant. You can EV someone to max attack and speed with a + Speed nature and 31 speed IVs using the power items (for attack and speed, obviously), and the speed will still be maximized, provided you've done it right. So that's my proof. xD
    ... Yeah, my family ancestry crap is something along those lines...

    Anyways, sleeping... And ogling at Scarlett Johannson, Jennifer Love Hewitt and other assortment of girls :D

    Dude, Amanda Bynes actually has a nice body :D
    My dad was born in Brazil because his parents moved there for financial needs. Then they moved to America after my aunt was born. :DDD
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