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  • ...Lemme just ask, what type of potato fattener did you buy?

    Oh my GOD, strawberrystone?! Oooh, with bananastone, it reaches levels of ORGASMIC! Dear lord, what a combination! How could I have forgotten...? But I do agree with you, fruitcocktailstone is pretty good. But it pails in comparison to strawberry and bananastone.

    ... ;;Made even more unconscious by having twenty heavy bricksheets dropped on her;;
    Oh. That doesn't sound very effective though... The most I can see happening is getting off a toxic and then protecting once or twice before going down. o.o

    That might explain why I keep failing. xD Thanks.
    Hmm... have you ever heard of potato fattener? It might be perfect for those little rascals!

    I personally have always prefered bananastone. But fruitcocktailstone is a close second in my favourites.

    Brick sheets? Oooooh. I'll take twenty! I want to be an epic brick fanatic too!

    ...Ooooof! Ahaha, it's okay. It's only a... sc... sc... ;;Faints;;
    ...Red potatoes? Oh, dear! I didn't think such an orgasmic sounding thing existed! I must see some.

    You are a brick fanatic! I cannot profess myself to sleep upon one! Dear, how hardcore. ;;Is impressed, gapes in awe;;

    Oh dear! Fruitcocktailstone?! How could I forget that?! I'll admit, it does rival Bananastone. I would purchase some, if I did not distrust Russians! Do you have any? ;;Sniffs you;;

    Ah, I'm afraid I must disagree with you heartily on that count. Scurblureen is a seamless blend of awesomenocity and fruit.
    Lobsters? Why, how 1960's! The new thing is pet rock potatoes, of course.

    Very ingenious, your idea of bricks and plants. I must look into it! I myself have just bought piles of bricks and piled them haphazardly around my dwellings, just so I can stare at them and sigh in loving admiration. And how could you prefer Red Limestone? It's obvious that Red Bananastone is the best of them all! So... mmm... delicious.

    ;;Sniffs;; ...Hmm. You don't seem to smell of Irish anymore... seem.

    ...That is a good point. Slurblureen is quite awful, but scurblureen beats BOTH!
    Its from the old ToTCoD. You should go check it out. Its in the epic battle between arylett and zora. Like page... 4 I think? Not sure on that, Actually.
    I was planning on Lake of Rage, but hey, thats not a bad idea. I'll write it up the moment I have time. Oh, I bought your Birthday present already.
    Probably because they either are a decoy for its partner to cause some damage, or their partner draws the fire so they can actually do something. xD

    Oh, actually, no, I didn't know either of those points. o.o Thanks. :D
    I agree whole-heartedly. A brick is a most vivid shade of red, and they are merely humdrum in their very limited scope of colours. I am most pleased to have found another person who shares the Vision of Seven Thousand and Four Colours! Ah, we possess the REAL eyes in society.

    Hmm... are you sure you've sold all that blood? ;;Suspicious glance;; Because if you haven't... oh, I might have to do something very terrible...

    Are you kidding, my good sir?! Scurblureen is as if the heavens are singing to your heart, gazing at it is staring into the eyes of an angel. It is subtle, yet powerful.
    Mm... I wouldn't have minded it for the showing-off part, but I probably wouldn't have been able to use it effectively, which disappoints me. D:

    I don't know what you mean by the "fourth patch", but otherwise yeah, I know those parts. Also, use repels so that a wild pokemon won't spring up while you're trying to get to the right patch, and don't visit a patch that looks different than the one you previously visited (besides shiny patches).

    Yeah, that's true. :P Soft-resetting is a huge pain.
    My dear, those pedestrians are terribly plebeian. They only see the world in seven thousand colours. Bah, how boring! And I know, right? Of course they wouldn't know that the very MEANING of the word colour is intricately defined by how many u's it has or lacks.

    ...The leprechauns must've sold the secret colour to the Russians! Traitors!

    Oh WHOA. Now THAT is what I call colour. it makes orurooneal look positively like an old movie from the 1930's!
    PFFT! As if those pedestrians would have a sophisticated colour like orurooneal.

    You can only find orurooneal in pots of gold and wherever Letts dwell.

    But you must show me scurblureen, I have never seen it.
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