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  • *finishes noming*


    It's an anime horror series based on a manga horror series based on a visual novel horror series. To make things more confusing, they have a game horror series based on the anime.

    Actually, the zombie land sharks didn't decay, just kind of ate people.
    *noms as well*

    *jams out*

    FINGERNAILS is a reference to Higurashi no naku koro ni. And probably the most horrifying moment in the series.

    To reference: I can sit through an entire train of people be massacred (Baccano!), a dog being beat to death (Elfen Lied), mosquito-like women (Uzumaki), and fucking zombie land sharks (Gyo), but I couldn't sit through this short scene.
    Yah, wonder how she'll handle that. I'm not doing to great in my own battle still. xD Therefore, I'm stealing your blood-coated RNG church again.

    Lucky for me, I have no reason to be awake at normal times right now. When I get a job/classes start, then I'll have issues, but for now, I just go with it. It's still annoying though, since like no one is awake/online after 2 am.
    I personally think Al's in quite the situation right now.

    That sounds very similar to mine... except mine's more like "sleep between 5 and 7/wake between 3 and 6". >.<
    *cuts X-Wing in half, then puts one half on my plate*

    *sigh* Not again.

    Since you are not screaming in utter terror, I guess you didn't get the reference.
    Indeed it did. xD Sadly, that's about all it did, however...

    I'm a little slow to start today, so um... I'll get the next one up, like, in the next 4 hours or something, depending on how long it takes me to find something to eat and then write it up.

    Man, I hate having a backwards sleep schedule...
    Oh, short it was. Got kinda unlucky with the random move generator, too. But hey... that's 1% extra damage you didn't have last round? xD
    Eh? Now I'm confused.

    I'll see if I can get the next one up tonight, too. I anticipate it being pretty short, so it should be possible.
    I wasn't aware either of you were doing such horrible things.

    Anyway... reffing should hopefully be up in the next hour or two.
    We have to let it sit in the broth for a little bit.

    Don't use too much again.

    Uh, sure, whatever.
    I meant mad in a bad way, by the way. That's enough seasoning. Now we stir.

    Your mileage may vary, but...Oh, just take a look at her.

    Well okay then.
    That was you?! :O

    Well, I think it's pretty even. :P And yeah you might hit the cap, but well... you'll have to get him weakened anyway, eh? xD
    As you demonstrated by blowing up that house. :P

    I like how you and Al are like "You're killing me so bad!" ... "What are you talking about, you're killing me!"
    Well, I'm not ebil... much. To public knowledge.

    It could be worse... uh... I haven't checked the battle yet so I don't know what the orders are. xD I should go do that...
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