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  • Hm... I don't really need anything, per se, although I'd really like some Soft Sand/Earth Plates. If you could buy one, of course.
    Bertrando's in my PC right now >: I might switch him out soon though. I really need to write out the sig attribute I want for him and get him evolved and stuff...

    Maybe Sully or somebody :T I'll go post in the Black Market
    Well, George Washington is the one who summoned Thomas Jefferson. And when you tried to mess with him, he brought out Tommy and then Tommy brought out the BIG GUNS.
    I actually hate Bronzong even more because they're harder to beat, and they're pretty common in the wild too. >( At least they look a little cooler, though. There's that "you hate it unless you have one" rule going on there.

    That's what I was gonna do with Boo's EXP once I find out how much he needs to hang on to in order to stay a Gengar. >3> Any of my active squad you want to swap your Haunter with? I dunno if you can evolve stuff in the storage PC if you just loan it to me. It wouldn't matter which one since it'll (hopefully) only take from a few minutes to an hour or two.

    You sir, have an awesome ancestral blood-line.

    Thank you, captain obvious.

    That should actually be "did see when you". :x
    Hurk! I shouldn't have said anything. He did get stuck at 7/8 EXP. @_@


    Dude let's trade eachother our Haunters and evolve them and trade them back.
    edit: Mike caught me with his Kadabra, but I'll still help you evolve Rift if you want.
    Indeed. xD I've gotten (mostly) good reviews, though, so I guess I'm just lucky for a change.

    I've never heard of The Pokemon Tower. What is it, just a fansite or something?

    I don't think that counts, no. At least, not if it's the song I'm thinking of. That's not really screaming.... though I don't know what I would call it. I still prefer a voice, though. Nightwish <3

    Iron Maiden isn't bad, but it's still not something I'd get all excited about.

    Yeah, I looked up his team when he accepted the challenge. He only had a Magnemite and a Squirtle, if my memory serves, so once his Magnemite is down, I have a shot. :P

    Haha, you can try, and then I'll laugh when your Arceus ignores you because you spelled "judgment" wrong. xD

    Nah, never been camping. Honestly, I don't really like being outdoors. I tried camping in my backyard once when I was like eight with my dad and two sisters. We were out there for about 20 minutes before he couldn't stand out complaining any more and brought us inside. Just as well, I think it rained later that night.
    Thanks! C:

    oh you really don't have to give me anything! Really! If you're wanting to get rid of them, though then I guess an Aron would be cool? xD
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