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  • I'll take the good name of Mudkipz in vain if I want! Because.... it wasn't meant that way? :D?

    Prinplup's name drives me crazy. Hate hate hate. Empoleon is okay, though I'd still prefer... well, Blastoise or Swampert. I think I prefer Empoleon over Feraligatr though.

    I haven't seen anything new, though I honestly wasn't looking very hard. I wouldn't imagine I'd have to.

    Yes, it is. Rawring meep.

    Ah, yeah, I was rather curious. I just haven't checked here for a few days. So it's all good.
    Oh. I always thought getting a bite was rare. Guess fish aren't as smart as I assumed. xD

    Haha, I've seen that battle animation somewhere before too. I suppose that is worse. Poor man. D:

    They do, do they? Damn Mudkipz and their chickens.

    Empoleon really isn't bad at all, but Piplup... ewww. *shivers* I do have a problem with the fact that the one pokemon that looks like an obvious water/ice type isn't, but meh, I suppose it works well enough. My Empoleon can solo Palmer, and I think that's the only reason I don't completely hate the whole line...

    I wonder what else he's gotten up to in the few days I've been away.

    Meep. It is. Meep.

    Nah, it would be your opinion.


    Is there any rhyme or reason to these random characters, or are you just face planting onto the keyboard? :v

    But I've been- Oh, nevermind.

    Nah, it's fact right now. If I changed it, it would be wrong. :v



    How is that lucky? :/
    You should be.

    British Accents > Australian Accents > French Accents > 30s American Accents > German Accents. Fact.


    Eh, nevermind.

    I've been eaten by worse.
    I thought we were doing caps, though. :<

    British Accents > French Accents.

    Oh? It's Lieutenant now?

    That should be "NOW I KNOW.". :3

    Oh, and if you're wondering where I was the past eleven days, I got eaten by wolves.
    Yes, I've read most of it. xD

    Oh, no, I know what you mean. I think you misunderstood what I meant previously, though. I figured actually catching the fish wouldn't be too hard.... once you got a bite.

    Oh, yeah, money is a problem... so, they actually let you swim with them in Hawaii? Are the ones at that aquarium place trained or something? How do they know the sharks won't eat customers?

    I, uh... I can't tell you that. Or I'd have to kill you (when you aren't paying attention, of course). .....I actually named my Mantine SteveIrwin. Am I a bad person?

    Indeed we should. And yes, Piplup shall be banned for not having ice-typed evolutions.

    Yep, that's him. Damn, the poor guy just... doesn't get it. I can understand if he's having problems, but... it's not like people aren't trying to help him. x.x

    Yeah it, uh, is!
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