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  • Hmmm... I'll bet you, who made the original, could probably get in a good word with Mawile if that's the style of RP you wanted to do again.
    Hah. Sounds like me 99 percent of the time.
    Get right back into something, get all these great ideas and then never get around to finishing them.
    You should get active again. I missed seein' you around.
    Haha, yeah. We all noticed, and it was awesome. x3
    Yes, she's still black. That's part of who she is, after all. It's so nice to be playing her again. I missed it. ^^
    Aye. I was wondering where you went, glad to see you're alright.
    Yeah, junior year gets pretty rough; take it from me. Although after you get past whatever standardized test you have to take in April it goes uphill pretty fast. You'll do fine though, I'm sure of it. ^^
    I graduated from High School, so I'm saving up money to go further with my education.
    I've been good. I have a job now so that's nice, I'm now saving up money to go back to school.
    ...Happy birthday.

    And, I'm sorry about that... incident. You know the one. It's totally OK if you hate me for that. I deserve it. But let it be known that I... I really want to make things right again...
    Well not hate. I'm just very very mad. Whether you realize it or not, you are being very condescending. Even if they DO deserve it (they probably don't), you have to prove yourself better and make SURE you don't come across as that. Because honestly. To us, you DID look bitchy and condescending. If it weren't for that, there really wouldn't have been any arguments in the first place and everything would've been resolved peacefully.

    This isn't like last time. This time I honestly don't think Sable has done anything wrong. To my knowledge, she told you things like that would be happening after the last fight. This time I'm not going to yell about it right off while I'm already heated from a bad day. On the contrary; today was a GOOD day, and that's part of the reason I'm being so calm right now.

    And then there was this lovely quote from the Lounge.

    "Looks like we won't have to deal with Ed and co. any more either"

    You do know that that makes it look like you think of us as mere pests, right? Certainly looks to me like you don't think very highly of us. Me, I'm not gonna cause any trouble over it. I prefer to resolve things peacefully. But others might not think that way. What I'm trying to say here, really, is please watch what you say.

    And I can't think of any more to say right now, except that yes, I'll be withdrawing. However, I would appreciate it if you just let the matter die silently instead of trying to say that I left and winding up saying something like I quoted up there or saying anything at all, really.
    Err, I was wondering about joining the RSP again. I remember making a character quite a while back before my computer connection went wonky and school distracted me called Titus 'Tito' the Absol. Is it okay if I use him again, since I didn't even post as him once to begin with(I just filled out the form and couldn't post)?
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