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  • ...I'm not?
    Well I guess I kinda stopped checking, really. Was sick of the fighting. I'm pretty sure I didn't un-join though... :/
    *sneaks a peek at VM's*....*grin* Seems thing have been resolved after all! This shall be cool~
    Sorry, I've been held up with work, and spoke with Moony last night. I think her idea, as she mentioned below, is what I'd like to go with, essentially. Everyone could still move forward, we could resolve this without cutting it off completely.. it seems to be the idea that would work in everyone's favour.
    Seems I missed you again.

    Anyways. What I've been wanting to talk to you about is the idea that Halan could be carrying Ammy while she's out of it while his "Crow" and Zarin are messing around in her mind with her little problem. We can still be moving, Hakan will just be carrying her to where they need to go.

    Dwagie said this idea would work, I just wanted to run that by you.
    You. Need. To. Get. Online. More.

    We should chat on MSN, I have an idea on some things and would like to run them by you. It will likely move things forward in the RP without much troubles~
    Well she was supposed to be dropped off at the Daycare, but that's...kinda a ways off so she'll probably head off with her brother after Ed gets back... I kinda want to have stuff to do with the main group as well, sooooyeaaah.
    Aye. Things have gotten out of hand.

    As for what was happening in the thing. Ammy has a gaurdian. It has woken up and the Crow is going to try to get it to not devour Ammy whole. The ones involved are Halan, Zarin, Ammy, and Shelia/Demon after the Crow drags her into the mess.

    The spoiler here is Ammy is Halan's Cousin, thus her guardian is a bird and quite strong. The Crow is trying to get it to not take her free will.
    *comes out of her cave of hiding*...will. That was a heated battle, wasn't it? I hear things have blown over and are cooling down a bit *grin* Hope things are cool~

    And like the offers before, I'd help you if you ever need the hand Hun~. You know me, helpful and wishing to keep things nice and level.

    Lord. We -need- to talk more, lots of things to catch up on and plan together for fun, love, and lolz.

    ~Loves the Moony
    Well it isn't like I don't either. I kinda wish things had gone differently too. As it stands though... yeah. I dunno.

    Well it could be entirely possible that she's misinterpreting something you wrote and getting mad about it, but hell if I know why. :/
    Well, I'm sorry I hurt you. But I guess if I hadn't been pissed off at a bunch of other things I wouldn't have said anything, wouldn't have really cared about this whole argument and we'd still be cool.

    Well what I feel is, is that I am really kind of angry about being told that something I found interesting and was about to be involved in (which I am in few things anymore!) didn't exist. I was willing to give a little on the eggs thing because, well, artistic interpretation and all. Even though yeah, it set me off. Yes, I saw what you said to the rest and I understand there's a good reason for that rule. The whole Darkrai thing was outta nowhere and was part of the reason I kept dropping off the face of the earth for a while there. (by the by I really don't think you should've let TES bring that back if you did)

    But really, this whole thing didn't affect more than like, three or four people and I personally considered it very minor. Was there really a reason to say it didn't exist?
    I try as hard as I can to get major things approved, and that's for ANY RP I'm in. But that? I consider that pretty minor, really.

    But I suppose I don't really know what to feel anymore. I'm a bit depressed because one of my favorite teachers' last day was yesterday, and bigger than that, I learned a friend might have cancer. I'm not sure what I saw that really enraged me, but it did. And Chaon calling me arrogant was really just the last straw. You've gotta understand that I don't exactly think clearly when I'm mad or depressed.

    Again, I'm sorry.

    I admit there's been a bit of lack of communication on most of our parts; I tend to be very shy online myself, and hate having to message people without having been talked to first, so that's a small part of it, at least for me. I can try to talk to Dwagie a bit, and I think she's also very stressed out, which may explain her, and mine I must admit, anger and annoyance. We need to take care of each other, yanno? :3 So I'll see if I can patch up relations. I feel really bad about this whole thing now (as my near vomiting fit earlier today showed me =_=), since I can see I upset you and made moony feel rather torn, since she didn't want to take a side. It's kind of my fault, since I was having a bit of a rant at a few people while I was PMSing and grumpy...I say things I regret. D:

    Also, I had a thought just now; we seem to attract members who don't stay, and it'd be p. cool if we could set up a mentor program! Say, assign a newbie to an older member to guide them and such, and that could probably help up the quality of posts as well.

    Love you,

    (Oh PS, can I get an invite back to the social group xD; I kinda... had a heat of the moment leaving thingy.)
    Hey.. I really want to clear a few things up..
    First of all, I've nothing against you at all, nor do I have anything against the RSP. Hell, I love the RSP to death and that's why I feel as passionate as I do about it. The problem I have is that when I pointed out something, you approached me -aggressively-. You made it outright clear that you were blatantly ignoring story development I was working on with others. The thing about an RP is it's an outlet for creativity, and when you stifle that it's natural for people to be upset. There have been more than a few instances where this has come up, and our thoughts behind this is you need to be a little more freeform.
    I mentioned already, this RP is a major outlet for some heavy duty characters to each person's individual repertoire. Ammy comes straight from a dream of mine and I chose it as an outlet for her and she means a lot to me. Her development thusly formed just like the friendship with some of the other RPers. This is why I'm being so adamant about this.
    I hope you can understand, because I don't want to be at eachothers throats, to be enemies. But when I feel I need to stand up for something, I do so.
    Trust me, it's not all that personal.
    It's like FMC said. I asked her to say it because I was afraid I'd come off as unintentionally crass and hurt you even more. I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

    Truly, if you need help, I'm willing to.

    I didn't want it to end this way, I really didn't. I'm kinda tearing up right now at having to write this, if I can be honest.
    But they called me pompous and arrogant and that is really a berserk button for me. I really wish we could have reached a compromise. Maybe we still can, if you want.

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