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  • Um, hey. My computer's okay now, but because it has been disabled for so long previously, I'm waay behind on the plot in the RSP. Could you PM me about it, please? I want to get back on.
    I think now's a good time to go looking for her actually. She just sort of... snubbed Basaina.

    He won't miss her any longer~ =3
    Little tip. Halan asked the human if they had food for the wounded Riolu he has.
    I see, kinda makes sense, but I still don't think it gives enough variety for me to be interested. :/

    Why only Feline and canine Pokémon, either way? Not that I seem to be able to change your mind about it, but I'm curious.
    Not entirely sure where else to ask this (the eternal, annoying question..), so..
    I know, I've kind of stopped posting in the RP for a really long time, thanks to writer's block and other things. I want to actually start posting again, but have pretty much lost track of what's going on and what's happened since then. Can you tell me? I'll try to not do that again.. Dx
    Yeah, she did. D= But I have to be honest, I got such a... a rush writing that. Oh God, that was fun. I haven't felt like this since the Demon vs. the Beast.

    But don't worry~ She'll be back! She just needs some time... she's been having a rather rough go lately. And yes, I shall, I'll be sure to let you know. ^^

    Awww, don't be teary. 3=
    *waves* hey hey, was just wondering (if you weren't planning it already) if you could have the humans wash Rinna down? (I assume that you're the only one who can control them so...) I don't want the babies to get poisoned from her sweat :c
    Where exactly is it stated that Snorlax is part cat? I've not seen anything like that.
    Half the reason I was gonna have Sheila-Azazel do it. Azzy was around Calpurnia while she lived with Melchior and them right before she died, and Calpurnia was a... what do they call those again? I forgot. ><

    But I won't.
    And she will be pissed.
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