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  • ...FMC said only she would be allowed near her for a while, so I think it's in order. x3

    Ah damn, I was gonna get a character approved for this but I forgot. A Purugly named Calpurnia.
    It can wait till the next birthing though. >>
    Sorry. ^^; I'll bet being the master of the RSP must be bothersome at times, with it being so popular. You can make mine last priority, as I'm not planning on it happening any time soon. Just wanted to make sure you had it. Thanks.
    I still don't see how on EARTH the thing looks like a cat to you. To say the least, Weavile looks a lot more like a cat/dog then Snorlax do, and I bet you could ask about anyone that and they'd say Weavile. Besides, the only thing that makes Snorlax look like a cat is the fact it has triangle-shaped ears, that's like saying I'm a girl because I have long hair. FMC told me you allowed Weavile once before, so I see no logical reason to not allow it now.
    Miss KQ, I shall ask you a question regarding RSP, which I have been interested in joining lately.

    How come you allow Snorlax, but not Weavile? That is something that has been bothering me, since I really want to use my new lesbian Weavile character.
    Hey, me and FMC were wondering if, once we have our own forum, there could be a special 'Alterverse' thread/section where we like... change one thing about our character, and play it again. What do you think?
    You guys are supposed to meet up with me at the Pokefight in Goldenrod. I'm looking for a friend and I run into you guys. I fail to find the friend, and I join up with you all so that I can eventually meet up with her at another Pokefight. I want to start posting a little earlier so that I can set up what Zemhal's doing.

    Uh, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while but I keep forgetting >_> Is there a character limit in the RSP?
    Hello! I just wanted to remind you that it's your turn to give commands in your battle with Kai! :)
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