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  • Hey Queenie,

    I just wanted to leave you a message, with some tips and a bit of encouragement, which myself and the rest of us really think would help the situation.

    First, I want you to know that I have no problem with you, in fact, I quite like you, especially when you're in a good mood. You're pretty sweet most of the time! There's only a few things that you have about your behavior that bother us a bit. I, for one, really dislike being called nicknames like 'dearie' or sweetie', which is probably just a pet peeve of mine, and is very minor. It's one of those little things, you know? I'd really, honestly, appreciate it if you could use another term of endearment? Again, this is just a bit of a minor nitpick of mine, no big. I bet there are a few mannerisms of mine that bug you too; just tell me and I can try and change them!

    Moving on to a bit bigger things; we (I'm speaking for myself and for Zora as well, since she wanted me to) would really appreciate a bit more leeway with they way the world works, or at least for you to make a few general statements about that sort of thing ahead of time; as an example, the egg issue; a plot of mine and one of Zora's counted on live birth because we didn't know you didn't like it. We'd have been okay with changing it to eggs, if only you'd told us before! If you ever need help with defining the rules for the world we're playing in, I'm very willing to help you, and I'm sure Zora and moony too would as well.

    On that note, If you're getting too stressed out and think you need help, I could help you out! Assign a few assistants, as I believe you've done with Erindor with the announcements, and I'd volunteer to help. You're a bit younger than me (3 years I think?) and I've graduated so I have plenty of free time and am online very often; I could help you with handling the large amounts of PMs you get and take some pressure off of you.

    I think I'll leave off here, but I just want to say this again; I really do like you! I have no problem with you as a person, I promise, it's just that things can get to someone after a while, and I'm sure holiday stress has gotten to all of us. I felt quite bad about being this cold to most of you, who are my friends and I love, and I just want to know that I'm here for you. Okay?

    Love (really),
    Oh no, it's quite understandable. I'd take it personally too if it were me. I mean, this is yours, and it means a lot to you.

    That sounds like a plan to me! It'll be all right. This is just another crinkle in the fabric of life that needs some smoothing out.

    Oh? May I see them?
    They aren't smashing you; it's not personal. Dwagie seems to have taken it a bit far, I'll admit, with the way she said some things.

    It did sound like they were smashing you a bit. I too have been sick of their... self-centeredness. I was really insulted when they said "major players.", and some of those members are newer than I am. It was like... how can you have the nerve? Just like Slarti said.

    But it probably isn't intentional or personal. They weren't trying to hurt you; they were simply following their own interests. Just keep thinking that. I agree with you completely that they're not letting anybody else have a chance to be in on the plots. But just remember that it really isn't personal, and keep a calm front.
    Awww... I'm sorry about that. I can understand certainly how it would be difficult... I too am having a few personal issues that just happen to happen when I have two weeks off, so I understand. Everything always has to happen at the worse time possible. It's understandable that you'd be irritated after two tests. Certainly at the moment, there's a lot of stress going on.

    ;;Picks you up;; It'll be all right, you just have to get up, get in there, and not let them pull you down.
    Hey there.. hope I'm not being a bother, but did you get that PM reply I sent you? The way TCoD has been acting lately I've just been neurotic about that. ><;; I replied as soon as I got it but didn't know if it went through.
    Two days to post a reffing for Animorph vs Prettzel before I take it over, okay?
    Because your last bank transaction failed to go through (you cannot collect old referee paychecks), your final balance after taking into account this post is $379.
    Well, the forums work again, and I do believe your tests is done by now, would you do me the favour to check out my app while you open the RSP again?
    Oh, I didn't see any signups on the early pages of the thread, so I thought it might have been in a separate thread.
    Quite recently, my mind exploded in a firework-like explosion and I went and made a RSP character.

    ..In other words, I lost.

    How do I sign up, do I post the form in the RP or do I PM it? Where are you right now, anyway?
    As I ever shall remain! :D
    I'll get on it as soon as possible.

    EDIT: Actually, I think that if FMC wraps this up, we may be back to the pack in time for Fushi. If we are...

    (Oh wait, isn't the B2SP about to own us? I forgot about that. >>)
    Naw I didn't think you were picking on him :9 I was just telling you, since it was kinda my fault that it wasn't more clear since I was helping him ^^;
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