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  • Well, the idea was, more or less, that Kego belong to a chain of Riolu's that was supposed to be born with the same abillities as Lucarios- of course, a little bit less powerful, but strong nontheless.
    Uh, about the RSP: First off, the idea is that he knows some moves Riolus can't learn-
    putting(and screwing) that aside, Riolu can learn Aura sphere by event, so that's the only thing I think im really going to fight for O.O

    Anyway, I changed the other moves. The main idea was that he will have the same movepool as a Lucario but still be a Riolu.
    'Kay so... I think I'm going to have Bael run into his old trainer if that's okay with you. Also, your Custom Title is rather fitting for Bael's situation right now.
    Ah, no problem. Most of it hasn't changed, it's pretty much the same jazz as before. I just changed the reason why she can use it.

    Here it is:

    Name: Arkra de Atnura

    Description: One would not know it from looking at her, but Atnura was bred from a large selection of Pokefight Champions in an attempt to create the ultimate fighter. Although usually, she is reluctant to harm anyone or anything and considered "weak" by her trainer who rejected her, unbeknowest to many, a great power sleeps within her, a testament to her impressive breeding. It is triggered by bursts of the intense emotions that Atnura has been holding within her to please her old human master and others, mostly anger. Though she resembles her mother (who, like her father, had immense strength) and carries the genetic defect of curly hair from all that inbreeding, she carries within her the power of her father, a fierce and vicious Arcanine. An intense fiery aura known as Arkra. Arkra de Atnura.

    The attack itself requires immense focus, as she has to dig deep within herself to pull out the sleeping power. When she uses it, the feather on her head falls onto her back and two red rods resembling sprout from her back, and then two wing-like fiery protrusions, with two spheres floating about them. It basically looks like this symbol. It is the Atnura Mourmedy Charcill, a mystic symbol of Atnura's true power. This is part of the charge up turn, the growing of this symbol on her back. Then the two Mourmedy (the wing-like protrusions made of flaming red feathers) combine to create a cannon, the two Charcill (the spheres) go inside of the cannon. Then the two Atnura (the pointy rod things, which, despite their stiff appearance, are rather flexible) combine together to create a floating halo, which revolves around the Mourmedy cannon. The Atnura halo spins around, channeling her power and gathering energy. She glows with two auras, one bright red and one black. The black aura represents her power on the surface (Darkness), the red represents her true power (Fire). She must close her eyes and focus the two auras in the Charcill inside of the cannon, as she concentrates deeply on her target.

    Then she unleashes her concentrated power, in the form of a massive flaming meteor-like sphere pulsing with both auras, which hurtles towards the target. Afterwards, due to devoting much mental energy and focus to using this attack, as well as the emotions involved, she becomes Confused.

    The reason it's Fire-type (and not Dark) is because of well, her Arcanine father. He passed on much of his power to her.

    Type: Fire | Stat: Special | Base Damage: 16% | Accuracy: 80% | Target: Single Pokemon. | Energy: 17% | Duration: Two actions. One to charge up and one to use. Lasts around 5 to 10 minutes in the RP, depending on how long she takes to charge up.

    Effects: Confuses the user after it is used. Also, it can be interrupted on its charge-up turn if Atnura is distracted by the opponent in some way. (If she Flinches, for example)

    Usage Gap: Once per day, once per battle in ASB. Also, cannot be used when Atnura cannot concentrate or is calm. She needs to be emotional to use it.

    Also, SIDENOTE: When Atnura gets the AMC on her back, she is in Arkra Mode. That's what that's called. If she doesn't use the giantic epic meteor attack (known as Arkra de Atnura), she can keep this form for a bit and her attacks will be more powered up from absorbing emotions. Oh and yes, she can fly.
    I need to change up my signature move a bit because now that Mesprit's gone (and since I stated the reason for it happening was Mesprit's power), I need another reason. Is that okay?
    Well. I think it's clear in the social group what he wants. He wants a fight.

    Take a gander for yourself would you please. I'll try to "polite" thing for you.
    It's fine~

    Oh, good, good! I thought it might've seemed a bit too... abrupt. She's not really going to be all nuts and comic relief for the rest of the RP though. This is just... well, she'll change gradually into what she's really going to be. At the moment, she's just rather unstable.

    Fafneer seemed to have FAIRIES floating around his head. XD
    Oh, I see~

    I've figured out a way to change Atnura's personality AND get her out of the pixie plot all in one, by the way. Essentially, Mesprit decides after dealing with Azelf before and seeing how he makes Basaina crazy that possessing Atnura is wrong, and she gets out of her. Then, due to the pixie leaving her, Atnura's personality changes a bit dramatically because their psychic link is broken. She also loses the ability of empathy.

    Would that be a good way of getting out of it?
    Ah, that's good~ The reason I just kinda stopped posting was because things got too complicated for me. I want them to be simple. Like, I don't really even understand this pixie plot Atnura's in. I'd like to get out of it somehow.
    Well, I was just thinking of it! I mean... I'd love to have a way to somehow like... salvage her though. Like... change her personality up a bit without it looking too... tacky. I kinda just want to get out of really elaborate plots. Actually, I'd prefer just to change her up a bit rather than get rid of her completely.
    Ah, I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while... I'll just ask Blaziking about it.

    Although then again, I was considering just... getting a new character. I'm really running out of ideas for Atnura. Getting tired of her and her mopey attitude.
    I hope you remember you are supposed to message me when I can post in the RSP.

    ..I really do.
    Did you get the e-mail on your Yahoo account yet? I sent it to the one with the @yahoo.com from my Yahoo account.
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