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  • Hey there.. :>''' You think I could have in on the RSP group? Even though I'm only kind of unconscious with Halan as of current. x-x
    I'll ask soon. Why isn't she going? @.@ She seemed really excited about it this morning.
    I can't believe I didn't copy it down! It was right in front of me for like 15 minutes! -headdesk-
    I already posted something~ Although it was really long and one of my dreadful Atnura angst rambles again. Trying to think of how to follow it up... and how to get in on stuff.

    I'm sorry you're sicky. D= I hope you feel better. New peoples are just like, all over the place joining.
    Well, obviously I'd prefer you got the reffings done faster, but it's not such a tremendous deal. So long as you do your best to stay on top of it, it should be fine.
    hey, i was just wondering how i join the RSP again. sorry if there's somewhere to sign up, but i honestly don't know where. i haven't looked around too much at the moment.
    thanks again. c:

    apparently dA is experiencing an internal error so RAEG at that. >:c

    and i see you're using the new avatar. so many people with them. @_@
    err, i probably aught to be unbiased in this sort of thing, and the match you reffed for me only lasted a short while. but regardless, when it happens, i'll vote. c:

    and do you mind fav/commenting on some of my deviations? nobody else seems to anymore. ;-;
    Uh, now that my character's re-make in the RSP is created, how do I get into the RP itself?
    Find a place to pop up or create a sig. move for Keylle?

    Or do only characters that didnt get deleted have them?
    Yeah I do.

    Mayor: Marlinda Duncanson
    Senators: Kirsten Gillibrand
    Charles Schumer
    House of Rep's: John Hall (District 19)
    Maurice Hinchey (District 22)

    Was there anything else he wanted?
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