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  • Why yes it is. :D Recently got into it. Got it on DVD and waiting for a less busy day to finish watching the series,
    She is pretty awesome. :D Kinda sad she left early, although not that early at least, but still. She was pretty awesome at dancing, which is really impressive, cause I can't dance at all and I'm like, musical and all, so. She clearly wanted to do it really bad.
    Oh my gooood you remember Marlee Matlin, the woman from TWW? Apparently she was on the sixth season of Dancing With The Stars (I accidentally stumbled upon this fact by uh, watching the sixth season, or at least one episode of it anyhow). She said she wanted to prove you could dance while being deaf and all, and she was pretty damned good, though she went out on the sixth week.

    S'pretty cool, imo. :D
    I might find a place to swype Sherlock of the net if I can find it. I would steal the TARDIS and cut out the bottom and hook it over a smart car and drive it around. With a camera topside to see of course. While inside scream vworp vworp vworp. :P
    Thanks, Danni. [: His birthday went awesomely. He announced our engagement to his/our friends and they were so, so happy [Kate cried} and not at all judgement, which we had both been dreading. As far as what we did, I assume you know that 21 is legal drinking age is the US so we went to our local hangout bar, where drinks were had aplenty. I only had one though, as the alcohol stung my tongue ring. [Also, I'm not 21, but shhh~] The engagement brings up another issue though, as far as whether I tell my parents about it and whether I invite relatives to the wedding. [Cause I'm for damn sure not inviting my parents.] But if I invite relatives, they will feel obliged to choose sides, there will be drama... and just icky stuff to deal with.

    Wow, so you must have senioritis like woah, huh? Any idea what you're doing after uni? School is going okay. Did I tell you what happened as a result of my parents spitefully deciding not to finish paying my last semester's tuition? [If I did, skip this part.] My transcripts were frozen at my old college, so I was forced to start over, at the beginning, when I switched to the community college that I'm paying for personally. So I'm essentially a freshman again... But it's okay. I can handle it. c:

    Ohmygosh, that would be so cool! We could hang with the other Maryland TCoDers. c:
    I've wanted to see Sherlock but it hasn't been on BBCA or on the public channel, well it has but like once a month and I never get to see it. I want to though.

    And dreamed of being able to be on the set of Doctor Who too. A friend of mine had cancer and for a wish she was able to visit the set of Stargate SG-1, she met the whole cast and the pics are soo cool. She even got her own SG-1 uniform and said all the cast were really nice. (friend is fine btw cancer free for two years.)
    Aaaaah let's not talk about it :(

    Negrek said Boston or Detroit in the thread ...! :Db

    I was sick last night, so we skipped it :<

    That's from Suikoden V! Which is for PS2. You really should play it ... Amazon's got it reasonably priced! The Suikoden games are pretty awesome; I made a thread a bit ago for disorganised reccing of Suikoden games but I've only gone through I there. Going to make a post for II caps, though! And possibly V caps.

    I read through the forums a lot, and find some members interesting :D

    And to get to the point, I found you someone I wanted to talk to :D

    I'm not sure if you're online, given your Invisible status, though.

    (Don't take this the wrong way, but what happened? D: I never found out why :c)
    Yeah, everything's fine now - sort of? I dunno, my mom keeps contacting me, my boyfriend and/or my friends with threatening and hateful messages, so... It used to stress me out a lot, but I swear this freedom from her insanity is intoxicating, so I've stopped letting it bother me. Plus Ryan's been an insanely large help.

    I'm glad to hear you're doing well-ish. cx I hope your senior year [if that's what you guys call it-?] doesn't kick your butt too hard. What was your major again? I feel like it was Sociology. Is that right? And what's the topic of your essay? I wouldn't stress about it too, too much because you're a really good essayist. I still remember the one you let me read over a year ago... it must have been your first semester, I think.

    Anyway, I can't believe you were within driving distance of me! @-@ It would've been awesomest if I'd known and we could've hung out for a bit, but that's life. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip - hope you have a positive image of America. c:

    Easter was meh, but my boyfriend's birthday is today, so it was pretty nice. ^^ Lovely talking to you again.
    (That's kind of the point. On the plus side, it's not as though Tailsy and I write similarly! And we have distinctive locations set.)

    Good luck with your dissertation!! Also yes if you are ever in the area and are something approaching free for a bit, let me know! Maryland is not a tiny state but it is certainly not large enough that I can't wander around to meet up with people \o/

    I'm ... holding up? Mostly? Pretty depressed whenever I'm failing to distract myself with thoughts of video games, which doesn't really help with schoolwork particularly, buuuuuut. Yeah.

    I've not made plans yet! Though I am interested in making plans to visit Negrek. (I knew that thread would be a good idea!! At least partly because I was like hmmmm probably only H-land would notice it if we asked in irc.)

    My Easter's fine, I guess. Mom and I have successfully evaded visiting her parents today. They're nice people, but it's kind of a long drive and neither of us are that interested in heading over and traffic is probably a pain in the ass and I need to get back to school by 19:00 for MO~VIE NI~GHT~ with my friends. Whoo! I made friends! (This is sadly actually kind of an accomplishment as I am often horribly shy offline until I have made a friend nearby.)

    I am not sure why I want to link this at you, but I do:
    Oh and your friend. Excuse me I need to swim across the Atlantic and sit in a Cardiff coffee shop.. wait Torchwood's over? Dammit... Maybe Matt will let me borrow the TARDIS... Maybe if I hang around London... naw no chance.... I could chain myself to the recording studio... yeah that might work. :P
    I hate you, that pic you posted in the favorite fictional characters thread made me tear up. (btw I don't really hate you) And I changed the quotes.
    Danni! Ohmygosh, I wanted to say hi, but I thought you'd be annoyed by me popping in and out so often. Um, so. Basically everything with my parents hit the fan and I kind of withdrew from social stuff for a while. So how have you been?
    If you can't tell I kinda was sloppy with my new stuff. I will add some new lines. It just takes a while. Though I'm not sure how much a siggy can handle. Lis Sladen might be too much awesomeness to handle.
    You weren't alone. I cried for like a whole day I swear. I am super excited. I almost went to Utah when they were filming. My grandfather lives nearby so I actually asked him lol.
    I am sooo exicted for Saturday. New WHO!

    And I am soo sad about Lis... I miss my Sarah Jane!
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