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  • Everyone says they wouldn't want to know House irl, but I'd love to. For one, he'd immediately diagnose any and all illnesses I have! And he'd be bluntly honest, which is an awesome trait. All of his worse traits are things that I generally appreciate in people, really!

    Erhg did you sue the hospital? :\ You could get rich off that!

    Oh god I just had the tv running all day and would switch between the channels to watch whatever documentary was on that I wanted to see. We always had a billion channels but I only watched like, the documentary ones.

    I didn't watch many history documentaries or anything, but I found/find? those less depressing, I think. I read The Pianist recently and that was really hard, but... idk. I think if I delved more into that sort of stuff it would affect me more. :\

    How could you fall asleep during those movies? That's... wat. How. I mean, The Godfather I can understand, I'm not a fan, but The Dark Knight and Fight Club?! (I also did the same for the top 150 movies but I think I actually watched them all... lul.)

    You would so get Benedict or the Doctors in a US show. This is coming from me, a proud ace, but they're gorgeous. I admit many UK actors aren't like what's 'expected' in hollywood, and that's awesome, but Benedict and Matt Smith and David Tennant and Christopher Ecclestein are gorgeous. And Martin Freeman. And Karen Gillan? Billie Piper? etc. etc. etc. A lot of UK tv shows have a wider variety but they still cast, well, better-than-average looking people.

    Omg the season 3 finale was awesome. My favourite ep, though, is the one where everyone loses their memory and Angel is scared of the cars... oh god. xD

    Hrm, The League of Gentlemen sounds interesting. o.o I might add that to my list...

    Misfits is very er, strange. Unique. It's a very fast-paced show that keeps you watching, or me at least, and it's very lulzy and makes fun of itself, so it's not bad at all. But it's very strange. The most annoying part is that often times the characters are unlike-able, or when they become likeable, they do something that makes me go :|. Currently I'm okay with all of them but the one that was my favourite has become bleh, and the other two who I thought were decent are more cool now but have larger downsides. :[ *whiny* O well. I'm anxious for the next season because it's ended on a cliffhanger, so.

    And season 4 of TWW still hasn't finished. ; ; Which means I'm stuck watching... *checks* The X-files, rewatching Dexter, rewatching Boston Legal, rewatching In Treatment, orrr... movies. I'll probably go with The X-Files but I wish it'd get interesting faster, it's so slow-paced and monster of the week. Dx And predictable and bleh. But I know it'll get interesting and I can't skip ahead because I'm OCD like that. Sigh. ... Oh, I have Breaking Bad! I'll watch that then. :D

    My life is so sad. xD
    I used to think House wasn't about the medical mysteries, you know? It was about House. And it still is about House, but it relied on the medical issues to the point where when they veered off of them they lost their focus.
    Like those things you mentioned, just, terrible. The writers can't write characters for shit. It's so strange they managed to create House, and yet they can't make anyone else cool. Or a decent character plot.
    I also don't think I have any secrets, but that depends who you are, really. I mean, who I'm talking to - I don't reveal everything to everyone, but if I know you, I don't feel uncomfortable telling you anything. You know? There's nothing I'm ashamed of. Which is why people lie, right? But there are things I keep to myself from most people, or from people who I'd prefer not know, because I can't be bothered to deal with the situation of telling them.
    As for bones... hr... mine are pretty normal I think... your arm sounds painful though. o.o How'd that happen?

    I watched anything on the Discovery channels, NatGeo and Animal Planet, very little discrimination between shows, because I had little ability to learn anything anywhere else, and I learn quickly from watching documentaries. But it's sort of cripplingly depressing. :\ I wanted to be a zoologist too, lol, until I realized how much poop it involves. And getting a degree. Which requires finishing high school.

    Fight Club is, of course, my other favourite. :P I have a huge list of favourite movies that I wrote up because I hate forgetting them, but I'm still positive I left off a ton. But my ultimate top two are Fight Club and Prayers for Bobby; both of them are the only ones to ever shock me. The only movies, that is. I can never have as honest a reaction to a movie as when it actually surprises me, and I've only been surprised twice, those two times. So. They become my favourites, easily.

    Ergh, I'll tell you my reactions to all of them, probably. But I'll watch 'em slowly, one at a time that is, cause like you I don't go through movies as quickly as I go through tv shows. They're more... brain-heavy? Idk. Thought heavy. Something. They stay with you, I guess, at least if they're any good. Whereas tv shows, the plot draws out throughout the entire season, so you get to watch it for days/weeks/however long it takes you.

    You people and your DVD's. :[ I haven't heard anything about season 4, but I don't keep very close track of Torchwood. Tbh, I'm just glad DW is starting up again, I'm not really in the mood to complain, ehehe.

    Oh, you should finish Angel! It's really, really good. It's an entirely different mood than Buffy, muuuuch darker, but a lot of Buffy characters join in, including Spike! It's really awesome. The fourth? (iirc) season is weird as hell, sort of nightmare-fuel, but the last season is imo the best. So. :D It's worth it, definitely.

    Oooh, what's The League of Gentlemen? I still need to watch Ashes to Ashes... I'm in the middle of Misfits though, have you seen that? It's er, very strange.

    Can you pre-order Sherlock season 2? And omg, that interview. xD Oh my god. Fans are so creepy sometimes! But in a good way. ;D
    I haven't seen the film (Serenity) yet, it's on my downloaded list, which unfortunately is very very huge. But it will get watched sooner rather than later. |D

    Like you said, the old team didn't have any personality to begin with, so I didn't expect the new team to have any. The thing is, again like you said (lol), House used to be about the mystery and not about the non-House characters, or even House himself as much. They never even say 'it isn't Lupus' or 'everybody lies' anymore! :[ That's what it was about! Everybody lies! Sigh.

    People are cool. I know they are. I mean, you're cool! :D But that's why I can't think of the darker sides of people, because I used to be consumed by it and not see the good side at all. Idk if you can er, get that, if you've ever 'been there'; but like, if you've ever seen Animal Cops or those animal documentaries about the animals going extinct because of loss of habitat, that's what I would watch all day, and nothing else. So... yeah. So if I get back into that, I'm scared I won't see the good side anymore. :\

    Criticism is also fun cause it makes you feel like you can do better somehow. xD Like, as if I could do better than Aaron Sorkin, haha. Maybe! Maybe one day, pff.

    Prayers for Bobby is depressing and I sobbed throughout the entire second half but it's got an uplifting ending (that I still sobbed through) but it's so worth it. It's one of my two top favourite movies.
    And I just started downloading all those movies cause I have some sick love for crying I guess. Dx

    River Song would be the best Doctor. Season 6 ftw. ; ;

    Torchwood is really fascinating as a tv show, yeah. I want to download and rewatch it after I do the same for all the shows I'm in the process of rewatching and watching. I have such a busy schedule! xD

    Captain Jack definitely broods less, he's more of jolly dude, but he broods more in Torchwood than DW, where's just totally drunk on happiness. Angel is always :[ emoboy. I bet Angel would sleep with anything if he could, though. :P

    Bones is one of the best characters I've ever seen, ever, ever ever. And she doesn't get any worse, she possibly just gets better. Definitely keep watching, she's bloody amazing. I wish I'd made her, she's SO good. Also David Boreanaz. :D!
    Buh I tend to stay away from TWoP because it's so, well, pityless. :\ And I get a bit overly attached to my tv shows. Sigh. The Jackal was pretty awesome though.

    I wasn't aware of those tropes, no... but I'm not surprised they exist. TV can be such a jerk. :| I wish I could write a show and make it right. Bleh.

    Firefly should've lasted way, way longer. I didn't get that attached to the characters because of how short it was, really. Jayne and Wash were my favs though, so I didn't lose anyone.

    Yeah, I remember everyone was upset by his suicide (that is, that the writers chose to have him commit suicide) and I was like :\ because I know the writers are incapable of writing anything well except for House himself. I just... expect failure from them I guess. I didn't even notice that Kutner was possibly an interesting character...

    I stopped watching 24 really early on though so there was no worry of me becoming attached to anyone. It just got progressively worse, imo, so I stopped. Which I should have done with House, probably, but I love House and I didn't love Jack Bauer, so. :\ I might eventually stop watching House... we'll see...

    Uhg, I really try not thinking about these things because it's the kind of thing that when I delve into it, it gets me in those extreme human-hating moods that take a lot to get out of. Because these are such lovable, good characters, the best of the best, but when you draw out the worst of them, what hope is there? Right? :| I can't do that because I lose all faith in humanity. I know it's there, that... that, but I can't think about it.
    I mean more about the writers - Aaron Sorkin, basically, that he'd think these are the best people, because he's writing from an optimistic point of view, he loves these characters, and they're not necessarily flawless, they're not sues, but they are idealistic. And he didn't intend for them to have this flaw. It was an accident that was caused by him being flawed. Which is painful to think about. :\

    Haha yes, most people wouldn't get that you can love a show so much and still nitpick about it on end! Really, how can you love a show without nitpicking about it?! ... I'm not quite sure about the logic there... erp. Well I guess you have to love it to notice everything? I guess? I don't know. I'm sure if my mom watched TWW she wouldn't notice half the things I complain about! LOL. She definitely wouldn't feel so beat up after the season 3 finale. She didn't even cry when watching Prayers For Bobby! (If you didn't see that, put it above all the Leo movies I mentioned on your to-watch list.)

    It's so sad people have to be told having a cast of straight white men isn't cool. Seriously lol captain obvious much? Bleh. But I agree so much about the Doctor - I keep wishing River Song is a future timelord and realizing nope, can't be. :\ But I still have it in my head-canon that the writers have abolished somehow that restriction that the timelords can only be men and that she is future!Doctor.

    Also, Captain Jack is awesome. I love how Torchwood is so Angel-like, you know, so much darker than DW, like Angel was to Buffy. And I can't decide who I like more, Angel or Captain Jack... I guess I like them both equally, they're so awesome. :D errrg so awesome.

    :[ Don't hate me but I really hated Kaylee. She was just too creepy-happy for me. Katara and Toph were adorable though. Lemme see if I can think of more girl/girl friendships... hrm... Well, there are the girls from Friends, and well most comedies have girl friends... but not usually as intimate as Jed/Leo. Oh! Bones and Angela from (obviously) Bones pretty much apply. And er, there are more but I'm tired. |D

    Well I'm glad I didn't watch it then! xD Mostly what I remember from Titanic is them having sex in a car (on the boat...? er...) and then him drowning in very blue water. Hrm.
    What how can you dislike Scrubs?! Try watching it a bit more, it's seriously awesome. Not only is it awesome and hilarious but it has main female and non-white characters. Really! It's awesome.

    Oh, wow. I guess I have better luck with characters, erg. I expected Tara to be temporary so I didn't get so attached to her; probably you had the same reaction as me with Simon. :\ I never liked anyone in 24, though. Which of your favs died in Firefly? And you liked Kutner? I never liked any character in House other than House. He's the only reason I watch the show, haha.

    Isn't it scary watching a show like that thinking about those characters? Eerg. Dx The sheer amount of death in 24 is quite... well... shocking, haha.

    Oh my god those parents. I was - I couldn't even manage a coherent reaction. It was this mix of... extreme anger and resentment and... nothing to do with those feelings because it's a tv show. But how can they do that? How can they just send them home because it's unpleasant? How can they not listen to them when they know they're right and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT? And then they try to work on DADT later?! Without even bothering to tell them anything about it, which I guess is expected because they're just 'citizens', but surely they had some idea they'd be working on DADT and could mention that to them!
    Sometimes the things the characters worry about seem just really silly. Like the alien guy had Sam worrying all day, right. And I think that's why Leo goes about asking Charlie and Fitzwallace if it's insulting or racist. Because they're kinda of neurotic.
    I'll be looking for that episode, haha, though I'm 2 seasons off. |D

    People drive me crazy. The extent to which they're both used to it and don't care is just... sickening. I also don't watch those horrible shows and it's still there and impossible to miss. I mean... I'm not crazy. I just care. :|

    But I love Jed and Leo. Like, really love them. Abbey just drives me crazy. I think it's not jsut her actor, it's also the writing, how they give her the stock feminist tropes (again with this :\) and have her always be the one to nag at Jed, etc. Idk. :\

    I purposely didn't mention Romeo + Juliet because it's a romance and I hate romance and didn't bother even watching it. xD I don't care for the story of R&J at all so I don't think I'd care for the movie, really. I didn't care for Titanic either. Romance can die in a fire for all I care. :[
    I'm pretty sure you'll love all the ones I mentioned though. Because they're awesome. :D
    I don't watch NCIS (those types of shows just bore me, blegh) and I loved Simon. ; ; I, fuck. Idek. It's such a downer ending. I've never really had a character I love die before. I guess because usually I don't love characters, and when I do they're main characters. Ehg.

    I only watched the first... 1-3? seasons of 24, but a long, long time ago. And it's really nothing like TWW, lul. Like, complete opposite. Why do people die. :[

    I don't have season 4 finished yet. The first few episodes are between 80-90% done so hopefully I can see at least those first ones soon. I hate leaving a tv show on a bad note, at least I didn't have to go through a long summer hiatus while waiting for the new eps.

    It really bugs me that only the women care about women rights. The whole Ainsley thing I could write off as Ainsley not actually caring, even if it is wrong to talk to her that way - many women don't care because society tells them it's fine and that it isn't sexist. But it bugs me that men in the show can't be feminists. Like, so much. :| Just the fact that the women are there to be feminists and the men are there to nod in agreement or shake their heads mockingly is sexist. Whenever Josh goes to his season-3 girlfriend (I'm so bad with names Dx) with something and she turns around and is against it because of women rights, why isn't Josh against it. It just paints Josh in a bad light. If it's bad, he should be against it, uhg.

    I think the fact that they have just the women being feminists also makes it less credible. Because you always expect them to have feminist arguments and the reactions get tiring. It's like if Josh or Sam or Leo only ever spoke one opinion. You pan to women and they open their mouths and out comes 'I am a women'.

    I'm probably not making a lot of sense, but basically. Well. Yeah. Dx ALSO feminism is more than just women rights. There's like. Equality and gender stereotypes. Not just women. Men suffer from gender stereotypes, as is evidenced by zero male feminists in this show.

    Hrm, most of US politics is very polarized. Most of the people that get a voice are extremists, i.e. Fox News. Donna's boyfriend was awesome, though, yeah.

    The white cis hetero male casts drive me insane. What drives me more insane is when I try to explain to people how this is sexist, racist, etc. and people are like 'lul you're looking to far into it' and I'm like. No. I'm just looking at it. :| Sigh.
    I love Donna and CJ to death, but I'm not so fond of Abbey. I think it's the actress that just gets on my nerves. Dx Idk.

    I could talk endlessly about TV shows. :P Idk if you've noticed.

    ... xD Sherlock dinosaurs oh god. I never let anyone use my computer, but I don't have those sorts of things on it (my desktop is a TARDIS in front of the moon~), I'm just really possessive. >>; And fearful they'll mess things up.

    I get terrible back aches when I use other desks/chairs. I've got this knot of tension in my shoulders that hurts when I just touch it. :[ Blech.

    Omg you have to see Leo's other films. Total Eclipse isn't near his best unless you want to see Leo in the gay sex, which is a good enough reason to watch it. I recommend Shutter Island, which imo is better than Inception, but is definitely just as good; also Catch Me If You Can, which is based on a true story and also stars Tom Hanks. (Both of those dudes are two of my favourite actors eee) Also Blood Diamond, epic movie and he does an epic accent. The Aviator, which is based on Howard Hughs, and is mostly a true story. And fucking awesome. And The Departed, another one of my favs (all of these are my favourites seriously) and also stars Matt Damon, who's awesome.
    I basically just wrote out his filmography but he's just that good. :[
    Okay I just finished ep 22, season 3, and omfg. I can't even deal with this. Seriously, I can't even deal with it. I can't. I think I could deal with it better if CJ was killed. There is no reason for Simon to have died. He was brought in just to die. That's not fair in any way at all. That's not fair. I hate this. And just when they found the guy. I mean I know what they were trying to do, to make it hurt even more, but why? Why would they want it to hurt more?

    I was having a decent day and now I feel like crap. Just. Fuck. I guess most people wouldn't feel so attached to the character, right, he's just a tv character. But it's so wrong.

    I prefer last season's finale. This one is just sad. It's just sad. Last one was so uplifting and propelling forwards but this one is just. Terrible. I mean, terrible emotionally. Guh. As Bartlet said, "It's just wrong. It's absolutely wrong."

    :[ I feel like such a wimp with how emotional I get about tv shows. Sigh... Well, at laest I've never actually cried from TWW. You don't even want to know what Glee's done to me.
    Eeee I'm up to (I think) ep 7 in season 3. It's so addictive and fast paced I hate waiting ><; I must say that this show reflects current politics so well. I mean, it's probably a lot more optimistic (well not probably, it is), but both are democrats that are/were running for office (now one is already president, too!), yeah? So... well. :v What does bug me is how they treat like, 'tree-huggers' on the show - like it's the only group that isn't cool. Environmentalists don't get any sort of respect. So you care about wolves. Or about, idk, conservation parks. Or the air. How is that not cool. :[

    And another thing that bugs me (these are minor nitpicks, compared to the awesome of the show, but...) is the way they separate democrats and republicans. Cause the two parties have huge differences that are, you know, not at all set in stone. And then the characters mock the people assuming that they have classically conservative morals, so then what republican values do they have? NO ONE KNOWS. The thing is, they're not marked as conservative or liberal, which are more clear terms, or libertarian, or anything, they're democrats and republicans, which are just political parties you join. I could join the republican party. That doesn't say anything about my political views. :[
    I think what bugs me most is how Ainsley denied having so-and-so views but she never, except for on occasions where no one (i.e. me) cares, shows what she does care about. Why is she republican. Which of the party beliefs does she hold and why.

    Okay that's my ranting. >>;

    The amount of women roles in TWW just has me squeeing. Seriously. And not like, minor characters. I mean there are minor characters that are women. But there are serious roles. I can't tell you how much I hate when shows are ALL MEN except for that one chick who's there for sexytimes :| :| :| uhg.
    And Joey is awesome. Pure awesome. Possibly another reason I love Josh, because he brings her back all the time. Hahaha.

    Sports does seem like a waste of time, doesn't it? Dx I can't get the obsession. The thing is, my family's obsession with it outdoes my obsession with anything. My brother literally (and I'm using the word as it's meant to be used, in that he literally does this) dreams about baseball, talks about it every waking moment, plays it on PS3, then goes out and actually plays it every day he can. Oh, and gets magazines about it. Idek. Uhg. And he's so confused that I want him not to talk about it with me. Seriously. I DON'T CARE WHO'S PLAYING WHAT. I DON'T.
    And he thinks this is the same as my Glee obsession. It isn't. I obsess over Glee, yes, but I vary my obsessions in that when Glee isn't airing, or even when it is, I watch and do other things. Like Sherlock. Or Fight Club. Or Pokemon. Sigh. And I don't constantly talk about it, definitely not with people who don't want to hear it. :|

    Hrrr I hate doing things on anyone else's computer |D I have a psychological attachment to my room and my computer. I have a beautiful mac and apple screen and my tablet and my mouse and my keyboard and and and it's all mine and beautiful! And my headphones with white noise! And it's the only computer chair that doesn't add to my back pains. And mostly it's a sense of privacy, I think, other computers aren't mine thus no privacy. And no control. :[

    Whyyyy is your internet rubbish? Fix it! Seriously! The laptop shouldn't be a problem unless it has problems connecting with the internet, but the internet is a problem! FIX IT. Is it a problem with cash? If it is claim disability and get free cash! GOOD SOLUTION I THINK.

    ... I want history lessons from you. xD Somehow I don't think anyone else would tell me about the gay orgies. Ahaha. I did see a movie though - er... right, Total Eclipse. Which is pretty awesome both because it's Leo DiCaprio (who is awesome) and because it's like. Awesome.

    Anyhow! I will read that outline you linked me to! Ty. :D
    :[ Stop making me wish it downloaded faster! I'M ALREADY DYING WITH HOW SLOW IT'S GOING *pulls hair out* ; ; ahgggg.

    That storyline had me tearing up, yeah, especially since I have aspergers. I couldn't get why they didn't help the guy to begin with, really. That old man is just - well, I have no words, I wish he was my grandfather. And I suspect if one of mine didn't die (my father's father) he would have been like that. But all the grandfathers going and helping... I'm getting choked up now ><; ufdssf.

    I'd never thought much about MS but I knew it wasn't mostly fatal just because it didn't seem reasonable to be mostly fatal. I do love seeing a character with it on TV, though, because I love diversity. And not everyone is 100% able as tv would have you believe. :\

    I probably won't watch Sports Night because I really can't stand sports, lul. I get enough of it at home from my brothers and dad. But I really recommend you watch The Social Network - I don't care for Facebook but that movie is amazing. Seriously, people saying it's one of/the best movie this (last?) year are not exaggerating. It takes a topic like Facebook, which really, who cares? And makes you care. I really really really recommend it because it's bloody brilliant. More than S60otSS. (Even writing it like that is hard. I bet that's why it was cancelled.)

    I would be more inclined to buy DVDs if I knew I wouldn't destroy them within a week. Literally, I cannot take care of DVDs. :\ It's a mix of my totally lack of an ability to keep my room clean for more than ... let's say a few days, and, er, the fragility of CD's. I just hate wasting my money like that when I really need money for more important things. And I watch so much so I really can't afford to waste it.

    BUT if you want advice on illegal stealing of stuff I can totally help ;D

    Oh my that actually sounds like a fascinating story. o.o God I wish I had a way of learning this shit. Maybe I'll sit down and read the wiki articles or something. Do you have any suggested reading? :v

    (also just because I'm a nerd, it's Sherlock and Watson! House and Wilson were based on them, remember?!)
    Okay now I need to rewatch seasons 1-2 because season 3 is taking too long to download ahaha and these moments were epic. His 'secret plan to fight inflation' was so good oh god poor CJ. xD And that map! Oh my god I can't even! The stackhouse filibuster is the one with the grandfather of the autistic boy right? Because that was one of the most touching moments I've ever seen, ever.

    Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip isn't nearly as good as TWW, mostly because SNL isn't as interesting as the west wing. But the actors in it are amazing so yeah, worth a watch.

    I don't have a tv either! :D But I download everything. I use a website that tells me when each tv show is out and then has a link to their torrent. *so organized in stealing*

    Oh my god Danni that list is huge. xD I actually noticed Anthony Stewart Head, of course, since I'm a big Buffy nerd. But I'll keep an eye out for those... others... that you've listed. o_o

    Also apparently I'm not as big a sociology nerd as I thought because I don't know what/who those are!
    I just got a chill remembering the season 2 finale. God yes that finale was one of the best things I've ever seen. ... And there's another chill. Dx Fuck. I have no words.

    Erk yeah.

    I think Josh is probably my favourite. I'm not sure why. Possibly because the actor was on er, the SNL show Aaron Sorkin wrote that was very short-lived, so I'm somewhat attached to him. But also cause he's you know, he's just cool. Or maybe it's cause he got shot in the first season and, I don't know. But I just love them all! :[ They're so awesome. There are only two others shows like that, where every character is uniquely awesome - no, make that three - Buffy, Glee and Six Feet Under. All of which are, you know, huge favourites of mine.

    I have to say I can't think of er, Jed, as Jed. He's the president. :[ ahhh.

    Maybe try, I don't know how it actually works, but tivo-ing shows? I know it's much easier for me because I don't have to catch the show live, I just download it and watch at my own convenience. Watching shows live sucks, it really does. But watching them on the day they come out is the best thing ever, really.

    And that's not so pathetic... >>; I'm looking forward to this year for Sherlock, DW, and Glee. And more shows down the line, but those will be towards the end of the year.

    You know, I need to rewatch all of DW now because of you, just to spot these actors. Damn you. Making me watch more DW. So evil.

    Oh god definitely watch SFU. One of the best shows ever and I'm planning on re-watching it soon because it's one of the few shows I love enough to do that. You won't be disappointed it. It draws you in really fast and it's one of those shows that are both better on DVD and you just can't stop watching. I finished the whole thing (iirc 6 seasons) in like, 2-3 weeks. I happened to be sick and unable to get out of bed but. xD Ahg. So good.

    Glee did do an episode dedicated to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, where they were doing the show in the show (ack grammar) but the dedicated episodes tend to be the worse ones. The episodes where they focus on plot and character development are the better ones. :\

    I've become a big sociology nerd myself recently... and I think it is a huge party trick. >| And if people don't like it they can go to their own party!
    Omg I have to tell you I started watching The West Wing (I just finished season 2! AHHHH) and it's so. bloody. good. SERIOUSLY SO GOOD sduigb one of the best shows I've ever seen it makes me tear up and gives me chills and makes me wish the real west wing was like this because they're all such heartwarming good people! I mean there isn't a single character I don't love, even Ainsley is okay because her opinions on most matters aren't very clear! Does she hate gay people or not!? I DON'T KNOW! But she's in so few episodes that I can pretend it doesn't matter!

    I mean OGM when the president and Josh were shot I was stunned. Because fuck it it felt real. Like, the president was shot. Fuuuu.

    I love how, despite how wordy the writing is, it draws you in so much. I mean, the politics is fascinating, for one thing, but also the characters, I love them, and they give different points of view, but usually reach the right conclusion as far as I'm concerned (liberal twist yay~). And goddammit this show is just brlliant.

    I must admit I was too young and lacking in knowledge when I first tried watching it. I didn't have a clue about politics and didn't want to. But I'm glad I started watching it again because, well, it's awesome. :D

    You'd never watched Who in order?! Wow. I remember when I first got into Who it was from occasionally seeing episodes on tv, and then I got more into it and would catch it every time it was on, but then of course I downloaded it all and watched it all and yeah.

    I have to admit I miss a lot of the in-jokes for history episodes, though I do get that they're in-jokes because they're written to be sort of obviously in-jokes so I'm like, oh, that's meant to be a joke, okay, haha. But I just have no knowledge of most of history. (I'm an autodidact, if it wasn't clear by now.)

    I used to have the biggest squish on Dan Rad, when I was like... probably 12, and the movies were first coming out. I probably appreciate him more now though, he's just an epically cool person. Idk what he's been in though... *checks* He was in one other movie, and lately he's been in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying (on bway iirc).

    I think Fortysomething is (or was...) on youtube, er. Yep, here. :D

    Chris's solo (well the Glee DG in general) was actually based on Idina's version. Most fans were expecting the Wicked version but it's sort of impractical to perform that in the show. :\

    Eheh, my voice training doesn't make me quite that great. |D I can't even play an instrument or anything. Sigh... if only, if only, the woodpecker cried.
    Tbh Coupling isn't the best show ever but it's great if you're already a Moffat fan. Like you said, seeing his comedy writing, and everything written by himself, is awesome. And YES that episode was AWESOME. There was also an episode with Hebrew in it! And then they translated it and I'm like what I wasn't supposed to understand?! xD Ahaha. I felt so special.

    It is... somewhat annoying, mostly when the shows just rely on people liking the episode because CHRISTMAS :D :D :D without doing any good writing. I mean, I don't mind Christmas, I just don't have any special feelings towards it, so I still want a good episode! :[ Sigh. I do get annoyed when *coughcough* forums have like ten threads about Christmas and what they got for Christmas and etc. and no one mentions other holidays because it exemplifies the fact that there are no other religions and that no one is anything but Christian, obviously. Which is sad, that it's such a huge majority, even on forums online, and people ignore that and are like 'haha stfu Christmas is fun okay'. Which I get. Christmas is cool. But so is including everyone. :[

    The episode was awesome though. I usually just look forward to the Christmas episode because, you know, it's DW and the start of the season, which is always good, but the episodes themselves aren't terribly interesting compared to the others. But since Moffat's heading the series, they're excellent, this one especially, even compared to last season. It was so good ><; I don't care about the time continuum! FLYING SHARKS OKAY! FLYING. SHARKS.

    I saw that video! Dan Rad is the coolest. I love love love how pro-LGBT he is. An actual quote from him is "you don't have to be gay to support gay rights, you just have to be human." <333333 I LOVE HIM. And he's only 5"4 iirc and I love that. I love short guys because it makes me feel better about myself. :D hee.

    OMG GO WATCH FORTYSOMETHING NOW! I think it's on youtube but even if it isn't it's so good. So. Good. Hugh really does need to stop doing House it's getting so old gah go do more Fortysomethings! NOW.

    You have no idea how traumatized I was by Fry getting beaten to death. Oh my fucking god. He was so cool and sweet and charming and then. Dead. Violently dead. I was like. o_____o aefgusdoin. Okay couldn't he at least have been - you know - not Stephen Fry. Because. THEY JUST KILLED STEPHEN FRY? Dx Seriously. Seriously. ... seriously.
    I noticed Rupert Graves, ahaha. The whole movie was full of famous peoples, which was really enjoyable. Aside from their deaths. Pfft.

    Ahaha I can't honestly understand people not realizing it's a boy singing! I can tell so easily... I guess it's just my voice training? Idk. Or my good hearing, idk. But he has a boy voice, just high! It's definitely a boy voice though. Am I crazy? :[
    Also you can download/listen to the version that's entirely him singing and imo it's the best version (no bias I promise ahaha okay maybe a little). He has an angel voice. He is literally an angel from the skies sent to us mortals. Sometimes I am overwhelmed with his otherworldly-ness and don't know what to do with myself and just blarglglyasdfds all over. :[ But it's hiss fault. Damned angels.
    Arhg a Sherlock christmas special would have been too awesome D: I wish. I wish we could lock up Moffat and have him writing for us nonstop. He totally can! He wrote Jekyll by himself, and Coupling! I know he can. D< WHY WON'T HE?!
    The fez moment had me dying. The whole episode had me dying, really - I usually don't care so much for the christmas episodes, partially because they're not always written so well (I think they rely on the 'festive feeling') and partially because I'm Jewish and don't have any of that christmas experience. Nothing against christmas, I just don't have any sentimentality towards it. :\ BUT, this episode was just so brilliant, so so brilliant. FISH? FISH. And the time thing. Past, present, future. Ahg. I actually teared up during the future part. :[ Ah my god. Moffat is a bloody genius. (My only complaint, and this isn't a genuine complaint, is the kissing. ; ; sigh... ah well.)

    You MUST go watch QI. :[ Seriously. It's hocus-pocus themed. With Dan Rad. How could it get any better?

    I think I'll avoid watching that movie until I get obsessed with Hugh Laurie to the point of watching his filmography. xD Yeah, it'll happen. But that'll happen to me too, and not just in animated movies, I have people pointed out to me in movies all the time. Unless I obsess over the actor, I probably won't recognize them.

    Oh btw, I saw V for Vendetta! Well, rewatched it since the first time, I was half asleep. >>; It really is awesome and reminds me of a strange mix of 1984 and Phantom of the Opera. ... Yeah.

    I started watching Single Father and planned on continuing but I think the subject matter didn't draw me in... when I had other things to watch...? I'll probably continue eventually though. Since it's Tennant. There are just certain things I don't connect to, like fatherhood or losing a wife. >>; Idk ergh.

    YAY GLEE GLEE KIDS HORRAY! :D (that's a Glee reference oh god) Doesn't Chris have an angelic voice?! Honestly the only song on the Glee Christmas CD I like is Baby It's Cold Outside, honestly mostly because I have no connected to christmas like I said and just need songs to be genuinely good and that song is SO GOOD and Chris and Darren ahhghgghfdg.

    You know I usually figure it isn't such a huge deal being Jewish but then I realize that it really is a really, really small minority. Despite how many Jews there are in Hollywood. :v Ah, well.
    Of course I did! It's by far my favourite christmas special. Moffat is amazing. Although the Sherlock moment was just weird. Like really weird. :[ It did make me realize that moment last season where they went into the Doctor's point of view was sort of a preview for Sherlock, but. So weird.

    DID YOU SEE DAN RAD ON QI? OMG. I so didn't expect to see him, I was actually like 10 minutes in and did a doubletake (that's happened before - I can't remember with who but I always listen to these shows without watching and then I'm like omg it's x! HOW DIDN'T I NOTICE) and then watched from the beginning. xD Ahhh I love QI... and Stephen Fry trying to explain i before e except after c being wrong, and getting so furious. Poor guy.
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