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  • I'm done! As of tonight. Last night? The night I am in.

    There's some snow! Not that much. But snow! (Yes, yes, Maryland~)

    Hey, Danni! Apparently it'd be plausible to go BWI to Heathrow from 11 Jan to 18 Jan. I'm not sure I quite want to wander off for a bit particularly since apparently opal will have exams on the 17 and 18?? I dunno. THOUGHTS?? I do want to visit you and whoever else is in your general area at some point \o\ and I am on winter break.
    XD Oh wow - that's bad.
    Re: cold house: you should get a onesie! You know, one of those all in one pyjama set things... they look sort of like a giant babygrow. :v I want one for snuggletasticness (absolutely a word).

    Poland was amazing; I went with the school (about 30 of us) to Krakov to visit Auschwitz, among other things. The camp itself was horrible - naturally - but definitely something I won't forget, and worth it if you ever go. We also got to go see cool things like the christmas markets and the salt mines (which were insane and full of these massive cathedrals like 100m underground) and we all went out to cocktail bars with the teachers. Really good trip.

    Those bilingual signs are silly! Nobody reads them! In South Wales, anyway. :B They just confuse anyone coming here on holiday and thinking they've got a grasp on English until they see the signs and are all ?!?!?! But free prescriptions and now this okay Wales, you have my heart.

    Hehe. Ar'ight Danni, how's it goin', ar'ight?

    I want them to cross Doctor Who over with everything. I'll be watching any old thing (Corination Street, Big Bang Theory, Cash in the Attic) and think, 'you know what would make this better? The Doctor.' and just hope he bounds onscreen. :c But Sherlock/Who would be amazing and probably mess with Sherlock forever because he'll know that there's another person smarter than himself.

    (Eleven days!)
    No, to be named after you they'd have to be called Poké Kid Dannichu. Dannichu is your actual legal name because I'm a law student and I say so. :D

    ...the fact that I originally mistyped "no" as "nom" should not have made me as happy as it did.

    I'd also change my name to "Dannïchu" or something just to make things even more chaotic but with my current username I can trick random picknickers in LeafGreen into saying I'm cute so I won't.
    In my mind you will always be a blinking Raine Sage.
    In the meantime I might have to use it myself and confuse the hell out of everyone~

    You tried to get to Kent in all that snow? Loon! That sounds horrible.
    Yeah, it's mostly been icy here (it's all foggy this week - quite cool because it's frozen on to everything so it looks Narnia-ish but the fog's so thick I haven't seen the sun in two days) but I have high hopes for February. If it's like this now, what will it be like then? Although I'm going to Poland for a few days later in the week and judging by my weather forecast stalking there should be enough there to be going on with, hurray!

    XD Oh yes, going to the theatre makes for the Super Fidgets.

    Ehh, she's doing okay. Ish. She had to spend the night in hospital week before last because she'd cut herself pretty badly in school, but they've allowed her back in now. It's horrible, but she's trying really hard with it. It's still sort of a one day at a time thing, but... yeah. She's got lots of people looking after her, much to her annoyance. She 'doesn't want to be a bother'. :P

    Ahhhh can't wait either. Catherine Jenkins <3 And I am way behind on ArtMo too, but once we break up I should be able to catch up!

    I've applied to UWIC (Cardiff), Bath Spa, Aberystweth, Chester and Glamorgan - but literally only yesterday, I was quite late with it. |3; UWIC sent an email saying they're processing my application! ... Which is not bad for a day's processing. Thankfully the welsh government have just said that they'll give grants to anyone who's lived in Wales for 3+ years making up the difference between the old uni costs and the new ones. Oh welsh government, how do I love thee? (Although it beats me where they're getting funds from, surely we don't sell that many welshcakes?) So providing that sticks there's not as much pressure to get in this year.

    (PS I've been catching the BBC3 reruns of Sherlock recently, and've gotten a friend into it on iPlayer. Hehe. |D 'It's for men!')
    Heh, glad you like. C: (Hurray! John was the one I was dodgy on, he looked kind of funny.)

    Oh, it was really good! I was flipping out a bit becasue I was the one managing tickets and things and I was all WHERE IS THE BUS IS IT THIS ONE NO THAT'S GOT POLISH WRITING ON THE FRONT? But once we got on the bus I focussed my excitement into the fact we were actually going and huzzah, I could make 'pink goes good with green' references and people would understand. The show itself was fantabulous as ever - I think I preferred Alexia Khadime as Elphie, but the Glinda was so good - Julia something? I'm not sure, I didn't get a programme this time, but she was just hilarious. Second only to Cheno. <3 All my friends enjoyed it too (though Tom jumped a mile when the time dragon started flailing around, very funny) and we all made it back alive so it was a success!

    I've been okaaaay. c: It's been tricky dealing with my best friend's, um, problem, but she's working really hard with it. She's off school at the moment but hopefully she should be allowed back next week sometime. (Other: UCAS is a pain and I spectacularly failed NaNo, sad times. Though christmas is coming so that's good. Mm, Quality Street.)
    Hey hey hey Danni guess what I found under my bed! It's your birthday present!

    I noticed something while I was working on it. Sherlock and Elphaba = tall/standoffish/bit haughty/intelligent, John and Galinda = short/cutesy = basic formula for obsessive fan behaviour?

    Edit: Also Steven Fry and Alan Davies!
    I am probably less than half as busy as you >D But I don't know what I should draw!! D: which is why you should be like DRAW THIS and then I will.

    Haha, Dento is not very much like Franziska. ... Though I'm sure Franziska would absolutely terrify flamboyant waiter gym leader. ... I am now picturing Franziska devouring Dento's yanappu. Probably while Dento tries to figure out what wine is best for THIS occasion. (Sob why is Dento a 'Pokémon Sommelier' and why has that had nothing to do with wines so far? He should totally match pokémon with wines. It's necessary.)
    hee, glasses theft

    one of my friends is pretty much blind in one eye and has good vision in the other, so she usually doesn't wear glasses

    another one of my friends wears contacts

    two of my friends would be legally blind without their glasses

    and I just have not-so-good vision without glasses

    The combined forces of you + Pentimento + RAINBOWS has convinced me to try out watching Sherlock.

    I look forward.
    Again, it's fine. :P

    Ahaha... I actually don't ship at all, it's just really not my thing. Probably because I am both asexual and aromantic so I have literally no interest in it. Sherlock ftw. :P But, shipping in the Glee fandom is a bit creepy, imo. Kurt is shipped with everyone, including Quinn (who is female). :[ Ahg. Because a die-hard fan of someone when you do not think of them in a sexual manner and never, ever, ever want to is very hard. People can be creepy...

    I love both Kurt and Rachel, for verrrry different reasons (I watch the show, unlike most people it seems, for the characters - the first episode I saw was Preggers which has practically no music, so I definitely got into it for the characters without even realizing it was a musical). I love Rachel because, ironically, she reminds me a lot of Chris Colfer (who plays Kurt), but in a crazy extreme kind of way, and I love Kurt because well, he's Kurt. There's nothing not to love about him. Okay, there is, he has character flaws, which I also love about the show, they're all flawed, but like I said - I love that. I love his flaws. It makes him more real. I mean, who doesn't have flaws?

    That's part of what drives me nuts in this fandom, and even people who aren't in the fandom, just casual watchers. They don't get that a character is meant to have flaws. Perfect mary sues are not good characters. Yes, Kurt is jealous, lonely, etc. but without those traits he'd be boring, generic, like every other ~gay guy~ in tv. So his flaws are a big part of why I love him. (I'm pretty sure you can tell just how /much/ I love him from this rambling.)

    Oh, and yes, Chris tried out for Artie because there was no Kurt originally (or Sue!). The writers were pretty enamored by him and created Kurt. :D His contract actually reads Artie #2 because Kurt wasn't fully written yet, haha.

    Do you ever get that uh, thing, where you're so deep in a fandom and talking to someone who isn't and you sort of don't realize you know things that you think are so obvious in the fandom you just assume they know it too? That might be something only I do, I don't know... |D But I'm always shocked when people don't know things about Glee! Like, the things that are crazy obvious to me but really shouldn't be to most people when I think about it... but I just don't think about it. :[

    I'm the same way. But I watch so much tv and much of it is not interesting at all, so I pay veerrry little attention to it. But at the same time I need to be watching it while I do that other thing, drawing or whatever, or else the drawing itself becomes boring. And usually I have to do at least 3 things. :\ My brain is retarded.

    Haha, my cousins are obsessed with Community... and not with Glee. But yeah it is more of a niche show. I'm glad you've got some tv to watch though, I've found some stuff too, probably not as good. |D
    I love Bones! Mostly for the character of Bones and David Boreanaz. :D But aaaahh Bones is so good she is like. Me. But more extreme. Wait I have the perfect image for this

    I die every time. xD

    My friend is also dying for N2N to go to the UK. Ever since Chris saw it he's been tweeting about it so all my friends realized that maybe I was on to something, pff.
    Gypsy does have a movie, which is how I saw it, lul. It's a great movie. I also wasn't raised with many musicals - I was raised in Israel so, yeah, blah. The only movie-musicals I knew of were The Wizard of Oz and Grease, which are awesome and will always be awesome, but definitely did not satisfy my desire for musical theatre. :[ So in the last few years I've been on a musical theatre binge. I just saw Bye Bye Birdie and Singin' in the Rain, which are pretty cool and a lot better than I expected, definitely. Gypsy still owns though. Also Victor/Victoria. <|

    I've heard part of the charm of ye-olde-DW was the terrible digital effects, though I really can't appreciate it. Dx Bah... creepy.

    Glee airs on Tuesdays! :D In fact, I just saw the new episode, which was so awesome I am literally on a high. I'm trying to come up with a way of describing how awesome it was but all I can think of is multiple :D's. So er... it's awesome ; ; and I'm not always satisfied with the episode, definitely not. But this one, oh god.

    Did I mention I love Glee? >>;
    deviantART has been crashing for a lot of people, it seems. It's happened to me, also.

    Awwh, you're very welcome! It's the least I could do~ But I'm very glad you like it! Wait, you printed it out and put it on your wall? Wow, no one's ever done that to one of my pictures! If I knew you were going to do that I'd have done a much better job! I'm completely thrilled that you did that, thank you so much!

    Plotting to kill your friends is like the best thing ever. I've done that with a group of my friends before, actually. :D It's very fun~

    Nah, you're still awesomer. Besides, you draw cuter than I could ever draw! And again, you're welcome, and I'm sorry for the late reply. My inbox was flooded with VMs. :3
    If you're online, you might as well go on MSN. :D No use procrastinating only halfway.
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