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  • My Halloween was rather boring, actually. I woke up about 9pm and went online then realised it was Halloween about midnight. x3
    Really nothing exciting has happened since last Wenesday when I got to go to London snd see the courts. Unless you count realising on Monday morning that my first essay is due in on Friday and I still haven't started on it =p
    I was talking to opal about this. The Expo's in May, isn't it? My exams might be a problem (I'm not certain when they are!), but I'd love to go if it's at all possible. College is all right. My flatmates are nice enough - and pretty hygienic, for flatmates. For one reason or another I chose self-catering, so I eat pasta every day. Just different shapes.

    I definitely need to be a bit more sociable. opal's so much better at it than me. In that respect, we're really very different people. He goes round feminist societies, womanizing, and I sit in my room not doing very much at all.
    Also happy late birthday and I am sorry for forgetting to draw you something. WANT A DRAWING?
    Happy Birthday Dannichu! I hope today's a wonderful day, and I hope that your day is filled with cake, rainbows, puppies and kitties, and lots of love from all of us here at tCoD! Oh yeah, and I forgot to say something: You're very awesome. Very, very awesome.

    Once again, happy birthday! Click here for your birthday present from me!
    Happy birthday, Danni!

    I trust this will be a day of quiet reflection??
    Have a generic happy birthday message. Hope your birthday is great, which it most definitely will be. (Or happy birthday eve; my time zone math isn't the greatest.)

    (By some miracle, I've managed to make a birthday picture done on time. Unforunately, however, my camera's memory card has been wonky lately, so I'll either finally have to get my scanner to work or fix the camera. I'm really sorry about that.)

    the one day I can sleep in, the fire alarm goes off at 10:00. of course.

    plus there's a fire drill on tuesday between 7:30 and 8:30.
    could use more MSN

    (come online so I can tell you about my game of imaginary Risk/scrister)
    oh my god that was the best alien threesome win ever.

    possibly also the only. which is sort of the point.
    Well I seem to judge Glee over different things than many people (actually Glee fandom is basically divided into a few groups: Rachel fans, Kurt fans, and uh, the rest. Personally I love both Kurt and Rachel, but I'm in it for Kurt). I loved both The Power of Madonna and Theatricality (the so-called Gaga episode, which really wasn't so much a Gaga episode but featured 2 Gaga songs so it's been called such by fans). In fact they're both two of my favourite episodes and are the beginning of Kurt becoming a more main character, mostly because they're after the show went on break and the writers realized what a huge fandom he had. |D (Also because Chris is an excellent actor, imo above all the other actors, though they're all excellent. Like scarily so.) Contrast this to the Britney Spears episode which I really didn't care for. The best part were the moments where Kurt was pushing to, you know, sing Britney, and then he wore a skirt, which was awesome. But yeah not a great episode. (I love Kurt. ; ; )

    I watched Glee like that (over msn) with Vixie |D Mostly it was an opportunity for me to rewatch it, because I can never watch the show enough, and to spread the Glee to more peoples (Vixie then had Alraune watch it). But my method of watching tv is weird; I either become 100% absorbed in a show so I can see everything and miss nothing, like I do with Glee and Dexter (and Sherlock and DW), or I have it minimized while doing other things like browsing the internet, drawing, chatting, playing gameboy, all at the same time. Because most tv shows really aren't that good, haha. I could count on one hand, I think, the number of shows I pay full attention to. But to those shows I pay my full attention and anything that bothers me while I'm watching it is likely to be brutally murdered. >>;

    Buffy is definitely one of the best shows I've ever seen. I think it's just the name that gives it a bad 'rep' so to speak, it's a terrific show. I just never used to watch shows more than once, except for when they were on tv, because I'd have that on in the background (I don't actually watch things on tv in order to watch them, just for background noise... I've gotten rid of my tv now though).
    And oh god you want tv suggestions? Be prepared. You will regret it. xD Okay - Black Books is great, yes, and I suggest you try downloading Fortysomething or watch on youtube, I think I found it there for gew a while ago. Hrm. Anyhow! I suggest, because you like racial diversity, you try Community. It's hilarious. In Treatment is one of my favourites (the sort I pay full attention to) and it's based on an Israeli show so it gets bonus points. It's sort of amazing. And of course, Mad Men is just incredible in every way, though it takes real energy to watch it. It's a thought-show, you need to pay attention and... well... it's just damned good.

    I love seeing things without knowing spoilers. Actually I just hate spoilers in general. Dx When I saw Wicked I'd already read the book a long time before, though the show is at least very different. And, you know, sort of beautiful with the set designs and the music and such. Plus I was practically sitting on the stage I was so close. |D
    Phantom was mostly great for its sets, but I wasn't crazy about the rest of it. Tbh if you're going to see something, I'd see something else. Hm N2N just started touring so it might reach there soon. :D

    Have you seen Gypsy? I just love sad musicals, and Sondheim, of course. So good. I grew up on The Wizard of Oz, and Grease, so even though some people seem to think Grease isn't so great, it's just pure sentimentality for me. Ah. They happen to be like the only musicals I saw growing up; not even Fiddler, and I'm jewish! LOL.

    I can never get used to old styles. I saw uh - Die Hard, the first one, a while ago. And I couldn't enjoy it at all, because of the style. I know it was, for its time, a great movie. First action movie with a plot and all. But uhg. I can't handle it. So bad. Dx SOO bad. *dies*

    You know, I thought Jekyll had a pretty good budget, considering the rest of the show. It's not that uncommon for digital effects to be like that, especially with animals involved. I mean that scene was terrible but... well, you'd have to have a shitload of money for it to not be. :\
    I don't really get so dependent on a show after only 3 episodes - but DW sort of marks my weekends because it's the only show I watch on weekends. Well that and it's DW. Glee doesn't mark my tuesdays though, despite being, well, Glee, because there are tons of shows then and yeah. Although this week does feel like a mess because there was no Glee and now it's thursday already and where's my Glee?! Ahhg. Don't they know I need TV to know what day it is?!
    THIS WILL BE POSTED TO /YOUR WALL/ *smart person* ; ;

    Kurt has received even /more/ episodes in the second season. You cannot imagine how much I am squeeing. ; ; There's also a rocky horror themed episode next week which has me literally shitting my pants just from the spoilers (which I usually avoid like the plague but ROCKY HORROR OMFG). Personally I hate watching things with other people because they talk and their reactions spoil mine, but I admit I react to things different than most people - I actually laugh out loud when watching things on my own, which for some reason most people don't? I'm a very solitary person. |D And watching tv is my way of unwinding, so doing it alone (hmm dirty joke there) is very calming for me.

    Oh god I love Dexter's narrative monologues. Probably influenced by the fact that I identify so heavily with his character (I was actually diagnosed with the uh, thing, that Dexter has, which is schizoid personality disorder - though I don't think I have it). Hearing his thoughts/perspectives on things is fasciating and so similar to mine, most of the time. Also his hypocrisy in many situations (how he flips back and forth) is so realistic! I love it! People never have just one, straightfoward opinion; people are three-dimensional and don't make up their minds. It's the fact that he doesn't know exactly whether he is human, wears a mask, or whether... the mask wears him that is so beautiful about the writing and the character.

    Also, a warning for the show because it's sort of :[, I adored all the characters in the first season but they sort of become less awesome as it progresses through the seasons (very gradually, though). Like, first season, the fact that all the characters, not just Dexter, were epic was one of the main draws for me to the show. Season 2, it was still there, but to a slightly smaller degree; etc. This season (5) Dexter and Deb are really the only characters I like. Masuka's also lulz.

    I really wish they'd had Willow/Tara at least mention it, yeah. :[ She could be gay - I mean, who am I to say she isn't, lol, but at least mention her past relationships so it isn't like, 'oh those never happened sorry Xander who I pined over for like 2 years'.
    I really think I need to rewatch Buffy actually... I've only seen the entire show once. :[ But I'm in the middle of so many shows ahh I don't know if my computer can handle the load... I'll try it at least.

    Hm, from my friend who saw Les Mis (it wasn't playing when I was in NY ; ; ) the second half was what got her most, she was bawling the entire time. For me, I didn't really differentiate between first/second halves (despite the intermission, haha) and just sort of thought of them as a whole. N2N, for example, has one of the best plots I have ever seen in anything, not just a musical.
    BUT you're right about set design! It's totally half the show. Like, Phantom of the Opera, the set design was mainly what had me going o_o the entire show. The music and story were cool but I'm not so into opera-music as I am that crazy awesome set design. I mean there was a new set for practically every scene! Wtf it was crazy awesome! And I was as far back as you could possibly be, literally, but it was like. Ahhh. So good.
    I really hate judging musicals by the movies except for when the movie came first (or those rare occasions where the movie is good anyhow!). :\ Sound of Music is great, Victor/Victoria is great (I just saw it recently! I LOVE JULIE ANDREWS), Gypsy, Chicago, The Wizard of Oz... it's a long list but not as long as I'd like, heh. OH! Did I tell you about the movie Trick?! It's the cutest movie ever and is sort of a musical. WATCH IT.

    Aw! I feel like I missed out on it too ; ; I have a lot of it downloaded but I find watching old-style shows very hard, haha. So I go through them sloooowly.
    And oh god I can't wait for the Christmas special. It's really sad, but I don't even notice it's a weekend without DW to remind me. I'm so ... crazy. Oh god I miss my doctor. ; ;
    Just got back from the feminist meeting. It was much smaller than yours, but had a better gender ratio and over one third scientists!
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