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  • D: How do you live with a bad connection? It's so unbearable. The internet is my connection to life. ... God that sounds so sad. But I can't even watch tv without it!

    Oh yes, they improved everything drastically. Lighting, settings even, it was all much better. I also prefer everything they changed - I love drunk Sherlock but drugged Sherlock really doesn't work, for a first episode where we're supposed to be impressed by this character. ASIP laid a perfect portrait of who Sherlock is... and how awesome he is. And oh god yes I can't wait for more. ; ; After Who.

    I hadn't seen Benedict before either, but since then I've seen him in a LOT. Have you seen Fortysomething? It has Hugh Laurie in it too, before his House days, and Stephen Fry in one episode. It's only 6 episodes (you Brits and your TV) but it's so. Good.. Ahg. He's also in a lot of excellent movies - Amazing Grace for one, seems like you'd enjoy, as a Sociology student. And I actually hadn't seen Martin before Sherlock - I have now though, haha, my fanaticism over shows extends a bit too far, I think... But... yeah. >>; He's hilarious, though. And I love his Watson. So so much.

    Isn't it? xD It's funny every time I look at it... Oh god... And oh yes, Slinkers is a genius. I think I stick with dA just so I can find lots of awesome fanart, lol. Have you seen these? (I have an entire folder in my favourites for fanart... >>; ) http://weallscream4icecream.deviantart.com/art/Experiment-of-a-Different-Kind-177115295?q=favby%3AWhivit%2F2980765&qo=3 http://fowlhunter.deviantart.com/art/Domestic-Life-at-the-Holmes-162099152?q=favby%3AWhivit%2F2980765&qo=5 Mycroft :D http://fowlhunter.deviantart.com/art/Holmes-Female-Impersonator-158797177?q=favby%3AWhivit%2F2980765&qo=7 http://fowlhunter.deviantart.com/art/Amusing-height-difference-177361084?q=favby%3AWhivit%2F2980765&qo=16 Just, no words. xD
    Nope, not US, I live in Israel. :\ I also don't really have a tv since, you know, no point, I just download everything.

    Oh yes, the cabbie thing was annoying. Overall A Study In Pink > Pilot, but even I realized it was the cabbie. But otherwise, everything about ASIP really outdoes the pilot, despite the pilot scenes that are epic... I'm really glad they got a chance to redo that episode.

    Unexpectedly? Well - it is incredibly deep. And lovely. But it is that was as Sherlock. So I do tend to expect it. Uhg, I love his impersonations and his MARSHMALLOOOOOW because of how not-jokey Sherlock is. xD It's just so adorable. And yes, that part was so hilarious! Chiseled out of what? ... Plasticine?

    Haha tumblr is such a great source for obsessing. I follow er... so many Sherlock tumblrs. :[ But that one is awesome. I like this one: http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8ehiad0ES1qdowhjo1_500.jpg Lulz. And the face of Sherlock used. Just. Too epic. Ohgod. This is the best Sherlock er, image, thing, I've ever seen though, it had me laughing for like, 10 minutes at least: http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l7u68ozH9K1qd82q9o1_500.jpg Too good. And so wrong. :D
    I wish I could watch it legally on tv. :[ Boo.

    The pilot episode was awesome, though I think I enjoyed it most because of werewolf/vampire Sherlock basking in the moonlight. That was just... too... epic. Also I sort of enjoyed John realizing there was something wrong with Sherlock during the drunk-scene than drunk Sherlock himself... yeah. >>; I don't slash, but it was sweet. :[

    Also: the DVD commentary. Just. Epic. Best part was when Martin left three quarters of the way through. Just, too good. And Cumberbatch's Alan Rickman impersonations. Oh god he is too awesome.

    I get so obsessive over tv shows... but... they're too good not to obsess over. D:
    :D I felt the same way when I saw yours.

    I just got my DVD yesterday. There was endless squee. (I did see it before though... illegally... shh.)
    so danni, if you want to get in any skyping it will have to be before the 7th ;-; i probably can't manage once school starts up
    :D So far it seems super awesome and yes after the essay is done I will send you it >D

    I read Shakesville! -- But not those other two. :3 I will check those! And probably add them to my feeds. [sage nod] Also seriously DO NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT FORGETTING TO RESPOND I do that a lot :( ... Just not usually with Visitor Messages. Emails, though, I usually forget to reply to.

    We haven't actually done anything in Chem yet, but it's just Chem 101 so I will probably be fine. It's Chem! I like Chem. And am sort of good at it. Also D: TINY CLAAAAAASS I have rarely been in tiny classes. Small classes, yes, tiny classes, no. Though this Chem class is TERRIFYINGLY LARGE aaaaa two sections of 350 students each aaaa
    [ ... lists you as an influence for my INTRODUCTORY ESSAY for the Race & Gender & Sexuality in the Media class ]

    Also I need to write a one-page paper on race and/or gender in an advertisement or music video and I think I am going to go for the Old Spice Guy.
    "and this is only because I adore drawing clothing creases"

    Don't suppose I could send you a couple of my drawings and ask for help on where to put the folds . . ?

    (They're my reference and rainbow running)
    I'm going shopping for... that sort of thing, yes. I was also thinking of buying a few books from the reading list, in case they're in really high demand at the university library. Do you think that's a good idea?

    I don't think I'll know anyone when I get there, but the same thing happened at my sixth form and it wasn't so bad.
    A*AAB: Maths, Politics, Econ, Further Maths. Moving in September 18th, I think. And I'm afraid they took down the sociology-ish episode of Fry's English Delight.
    Got into St Andrews! By the way, you ought to listen to Fry's English Delight. It's like Stephen Fry + Sociology.
    Summer's been good! I've been camping with friends near a beach (I was going to learn to bodyboard, but chickened out because of the jellyfish. D: LOOK AT THIS MONSTER WE FOUND IT'S LIKE A HUGE SQUIDGY DINNERPLATE) and just enjoying not doing much at all. :D Of course now it's gotten to the 'oh, did I have work to do...?' stage but I expect to ignore that until there's something like a week left. \o/ Exam results are next Thurs - shiz, that's this Thursday... they're too soon. Have you had yours already (you do do exams second year of uni right?)?

    YES IN LONDON ahhhh 8D I'm going with a few friends on a Ticketline dealio (because I organised it and all the buses and trains and chages and prices freaked me out, but it worked out for the best since they got us AWESOME seats. <3 Three rows back in the middle of the dress circle, Ticketline for godddd).

    I did think that, but then there's all the bit with the little voice going 'that's not what happened!' On the other hand, merging the two is fun... last time, at the 'So! what's the most swankified place in town?' line my mind immediately went 'Philosophy Club - !?!?! THERE ARE CHILDREN IN HERE D:'

    How's your summer/year in general since it has been that long been?
    Any progress with the request? :)

    By the way, if (and only IF) you're not too far into the thing, could you give Skye some deep-blue eyes (instead of the normal red)?
    Psst Danni.

    I haven't spoken to you in forever. Ahm. But. I will be seeing Wicked again in ~ten short days~ and am sort of exploding with hype so I thought who will not tell me to calm down?

    Shall I reread the book before I go y/n
    YAYYYY! I'm so excited for you!!! Gail is an excellent, excellent name, especially if she's fish-like. I expect pictures! By the by, I have decided on naming my laptop Ariadne.

    I haven't gotten your add request on Skype, I think... what is your username? Mine, like for everything else, is mhalizabeth. We must work this out. It would be phenomenal to talk to you on it. And isn't Windows 7 great? I love the taskbar and how you can preview all your windows on it. I just think it's cool. And similar enough so I don't get too confused!

    Hee, I'll have to try that House intro thing sometime. :3

    In other news, I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to your PM yet; I'm at the camp (we've been here pretty much every weekend) and because the internet is crappy here I'm always not up to writing you PMs, for some reason... it actually doesn't make any sense, because it doesn't take a speedy internet connection to write a long message. I really don't know. Maybe I'll do it later..? At any rate, I DID write you a letter last night, which I will send to you soon! And I have been busy reading Frankenstein, which is quite good but very slow going, as the text in the edition I have is very dense. Lots of words per page. I think I *may* try to write back to your PM this evening..? No promises, though.
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