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  • i need a job but i am only 13 :v

    what do they do?

    ah yeah. and bush raccoons and BUBBLE KITTIES and i need to draw them argh ; ;

    awesome face!mijimaru for co-dictator of earth 2012!

    also poor alfred. R.I.P. :C
    Oh, I'm worse about replying a lot of the time, don't worry :D

    It's true, though! You are 87% goodwill and 13% other. (I'm not sure what the other is; you'll have to check your ingredients list.)

    I haven't seen any of the new Sherlock Holmes! It is very sad. But then again BBC America is subtitled half of the time (Doctor Who's the only show I can think of that doesn't always have subtitles) and that is also sad. I guess you brits have accents TOO THICK for we Americans to understand >:| ... or think you do.

    Ha! I have not been yelled at for being a bum. Possibly because I have been busy. Sort of.

    I ... I don't know what I'm up to! I've been sort of lost and confused since opal and Zhorken left, and then since Vixie left. And so I am going up to stay at Zhorken's house in a few days for a week \o/ But I'm playing through Suikoden I again. Have you ever played any of the Suikoden games? You totally should. The first game's probably pretty cheap on Amazon, though I've only checked the US version of Amazon; maybe PAL's more expensive but hell if I know. Failing that, grab it off Pirate Bay; it came out 15 years ago I don't think anyone would care.

    I'm going off to uni in less than a month what is this nonsense ; ;
    haha it's fine! you switch between kent and devon and you're at uni (i think) so!

    shiny markers? those sound absolutely heavenly.

    man, no one knows what a tiki is! D: uh. like those things... in hawaii...? i guess? a bear with a tiki mask. :p

    i think it looks rather normal... ish? in that pose. a little bit like a sad clown.

    no, i don't know how that's normal.
    She looks like your average Kirlia, for the most part, but she has a cheerier-than-usual disposition and wears a small jacket that resembles a lab coat. There is a detective's badge on her coat at the time.

    ... Umm, anything else? XD
    ah crap surskitty beat me by like 3 minutes frown

    so uh! i'm bored :B

    what's up with you?
    I'm on your userpage, sending vibes of orange.

    Also Strife89 wanted me to let you know that I was like I KNOW I KNOW YOU SHOULD ASK DANNI! at him. \o/ Though #tcod agrees that you are a giant ball of goodwill and probably wouldn't mind either way.

    HOW ARE YOU \o/
    Greetings to you. :) I was told that you're a talented artist and that you enjoy the Ace Attorney series. Might you, perhaps, be willing to attempt a request that I've had hanging for a while?
    OH GOD is that the Very Hungry Caterpillar?
    I love that book so much aagh it's like the best book ever <3

    you get 50+ cool person points for that
    An OS grouppic. I ended up spacing people out too much and I couldnt idealise what most members would be doing. It was sorta a reunion/reform party with Zora drunk from grapejuice, but that was it.

    I'll try something else instead, perhaps. Or maybe OS-related pics that aren't gigantic group pics
    That feeling when you want to draw something but you know you can't?

    yeah, it happened a-gaaain. :c
    I notice you're online! If you're going to be online for a while, you could respond to my PM! O:

    Not to be annoying but I know if I leave things for a long time I never get to them unless someone bothers me ><
    I only wish I'd realised that sooner; I would have made it my signature long ago.
    And as I've realised while putting it in, the code is huge.
    Ooh. Tonight sounds good. :3 I've done quite a bit of drawing lately too, thanks to inspiration from the OS thread and from various watercolor GODS on dA. Oh man. I want to do stuff like this person; I think you'd like her stuff, too, she does a lot of rainbow-y type things. That first one is Ponyo fanart--you haven't seen Ponyo yet, have you? I still hold it's the most beautiful Miyazaki film I've seen.

    As long as I'm talking about some watercolor gods of dA, I might as well link this person, who does excellent Ace Attorney fanart, among other things, and this person, who is just amazing.

    There, now you have been linkspammed.

    Awww, I'm sorry you've been sick, that's unfortunate. Especially if it means you waking up at six AM. D: It is perfectly fine that you haven't gotten back to my PM. And I'm not sure if we're West Winging tonight, I don't know if we have a new disc yet. You haven't missed anything!
    Ah, thank you. I was beginning to think that you were ignoring me.
    . . . I mistrust my friends too much

    Quick drawing request (you said recently you need to do it anyway, AND you'd get a bonus present from it); new persona? Feel free to do whatever else you want first and things, but y'know. Keep it in mind? There's a picture I'd really like to draw that has you in it.

    PS. I like your name. It alliterates well.
    Sounds like immense fun, doing stuff with other people. The weather has been surprisingly sunny for the South West of England. It's been beautiful every day.
    I'm having tons of fun here, it's really beautiful. Just the change of scenery is nice.
    We really need to meet up at some point again.

    ...and keep in touch. XD
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