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  • Do you have an idea how the battle should play out. I had in mind how we were to battle other people, but not between each other.

    Well, I still can now. Happy birthday! *insert noisemaker sound*
    It is? Well then, happy birthday! I can get your battle with Wargle, then--sadly my reffing skills pretty much consist of "well I will get to this soon" and frowning but I'll try to get things done quickly! With Christmas coming up I should probably take any source of income I can, ahaha. No need to pay me back, considering that you got me something for my birthday!
    I may the blunt person you know, but hey, I'm patient. I'm leaning on the idea you're like me in that field, so just wait a few hours and check on it. I'm sure something will turn up.
    Happy birthday...
    Usual gift from me. Yay!
    Here's your... Oh, crap, I dropped it. D:

    Rawr,Sorry for taking forever to reply xD..
    Lately,even when I get on,tis only been a few minutes xD To be honest I just haven't been on the computer much at all recently,but yes.

    Thanks. xD And,I dunno. An awesome one? o: XD -idek- But yes,thank you. :3 And so do you. :D

    And wellll,what isn't to love about kitties anyway :3 XD But I can see why it would o: xD Course,Im all weird with the spelling but thats just cause Im odd. Anyway. XD

    But yes xD
    Thank you. Though I still don't even know where I'd start xD I haven't even 'introduced myself' in months,so..XD But thank you! :3
    Hello. Thats a really nice usertitle you have.

    Well, whoever Gummy is better give back my cupcake before I have to unleash my full Ultra-Saiyan Form. :LOL:

    just joking around. {Still, I want my cupcake}

    Joking again.

    I'll do it, just cause I'm the only player and I want to get it started.
    Holy flip I better go find a gift

    That's coolio! You'll be twelve, right? Fun age, my friend. *Sage nod*
    Mainly because all the dudes you know will go through a Suckish voice change. It's hilarious, I assure you. X3
    No sweat, dearest. We all procrastinate, and I actually forgot about it for a while.
    But I remembered it when I saw your name pop up, so.
    But either way. Take your dear sweet time.
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