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  • I may point out that unless you've actually watched banned episode you wouldn't know about the Tauros.

    Also Ash doesn't catch one every route. Which is what I'm refering to, we're going at this slow, developing bonds with our teams etc etc.

    So in Dink's case he has the option to gain three more freinds to finish his team, Fletcher can get two I believe, and Atem can get one or two...

    In Kiara's case I'd be fine with the initial Starly and swapping Umbra out, but otherwise there really should be no captures by Alex or Kiara for a bit, you know, with full teams and all.
    Yes you can have more than six. I plan on us going through Pokémon slowly, kind of like Ash...
    Hey, now that Pokemon choices for Battle for Asber have been finalized, could you post in the Black Market so I can get my Froslass back?
    I'm bothering you because you need to post before I can continue the Rp
    Umm, is your shop still open? The last post was 11-18 so i didn't want to bump by placing a request.
    You know, I think I've been on here about five times when you aren't on.

    I should have mentioned. YOu don't have your Pokes yet. Your to recieve them upon the arrival of everyone. Please submit a new post.

    Hulloo ^_^ I'm Ally :3 Nice to meet you,Darkaura c:
    Oh,& I dunno xD Just haven't really posted much since joining. xD Kind of shy too be honest,I dunno what I'd really say cause I get pretty intimidated and nervous..xD So I suppose,mainly I've just talked,to a few of the friends I've made,through pms and vms,and that being about all..xD Not really posted much. xD
    I hope you don't mind...

    But I want to sleep 12h, because tomorrow is a lazy day.
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