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  • Haha, I think I've come to that conclusion already ;D

    I couldn't, either, until I basically pressed my face against the screen. Which was why I said it was minor.

    Ah, I thought you meant that it always stays in caves. Then, flying's fine.

    Yes I am. *evil laugh*

    Also *shakes fist at RNG gods*
    ...I thought you'd do your best regardless. *facepalm* Really, Green.

    Still, it's very jarring. Makes the outline look jagged there, you know? You might not notice it initially, but most people would see that there's something wrong.
    Oh, and another minor thing: the nostrils look like how they'd look if they were viewed from a front perspective, but they're not, so...!

    That's pretty cool. :0 But I don't see the point of flying if it lives in caves...? And plus I like the idea of Bagon never achieving its lifelong dream.
    Sorry that Pancake's going to die.

    You didn't do bad, considering that your role was pretty much Blazhy's puppet. tbh I really wish you would have done more on your own, but it's to be expected in a double battle.
    Haha. Should I take that as a compliment?

    Well, I did agree to team up with you partly so you could learn the strings better. You probably don't appreciate being bossed around and whatnot, but *shrug* Not every battle's going to be a tag battle.
    I do want to win this, though, because Ralts needs 3 EXP to evolve.

    Is that scratched? :0 It's quite good! Just that there seems to be a pixel missing from the outline on its tail.
    Green. Post your freaking commands.

    Also substitute that last Chill with a Sleep Talk. Let's try our luck.
    But it's a thread where the entire purpose is to throw affection at me! That's important!

    Thank you~!
    Aww, it's cute :<
    The neck gets kinda thicker right in the middle though, and I'd get rid of some of the light gray pixels of the belly towards the end of the tail.
    I'm surprised that someone else caught the reference outside of the Trope.

    But yes, I am a huge C&H fan. I once received the complete set as a gift; that's probably a showing of how much i enjoy that comic
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