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  • Zapdos is my least liked of the trio, to be honest. Not that I dislike it in any way, shape or form. I just really like ice types and fire types.
    I don't really see why it's a problem to be named Zapdos though.
    Oh, right. XD
    Nah. I'm just using the name of my favourite.
    Also, everyone varies in personality, so it'd be the same for Pokémon. You could just be like, the oddball. :x
    I can totally imagine you doing that.

    Also Humbuzz (Kratos's Fakemon, prevo to Klaitning)? Most adorable thing ever :'D Of course I have a questionable taste but STILL.
    I've been Pokeathlon-ing for a long time. I just use the Speed course to farm points. Kills my hand, but who cares? But you know what's the funniest thing? My Togepi has the best speed stat out of all my Pokemon. You have no idea how amusing it is to see this stout egg-thing race around the track at breakneck speeds.
    Hamaaa. I'm training to beat Pryce. I'm sure I wouldn't have trouble, per se, but I'm not uncomfortable being underlevelled. Still have yet to get my Typhlosion one level away.
    ...Oh. I thought that you meant you did something else. You were starting to scare me for a second.
    The Pokemon sprites and attack animations are sometimes awkwardly aligned. It's nothing particularly unique. Agree to disagree?

    Normally, skunks can't convert their spray to a do-it-yourself flamethrower.
    ... I didn't think I'd need sarcasm tags, but so it seems.

    Personally, I'm surprised that Skuntank itself doesn't go up in flames.
    You know, I didn't bother to look there. Ha! Ha! Humorous.

    Anyway, in Platinum onward, Flamethrower comes out of Skuntank's rear. This is more amusing--but still not--because I'm sure the effect was intentional.
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