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  • Janine has the lowest leveled Pokemon. Bring a Psychic-type and take her out next, I say.

    That's... fascinating. Having such limited television, I usually know what's going to come on when. No commercials, even.



    I have SoulSilver, yes. I got 16 badges yesterday, and thus far I've caught Raikou, Lugia, Suicune, and Zapdos.
    Both are awesome jobs - but being an archaeologist requires a lot of patience and whatnot. I considered the job when I was little, but then I figured I'd probably break half the bones I'd lay my hands on OTL

    Dramatic irony. *nods*

    Totally hellbent. I know I can't do anything else. But more than anything I want to go t(-.-t) in society's face.
    Really? ...shit.

    I can't figure out genders at all. I usually have to go by avatars and such, and it never occurs to me to check the little Gender tab...

    I suck with names as well. Like, in english class, when my teacher makes me give out the tests/folders/whatnot (and she always gives this duty to me. always.), I give out the stuff to the five people I know from my photography class and then just randomly give out papers.
    If I stopped arting, then I'd be screwed later on in my life. :D

    I'm still going into that Cyber Arts program I got into, though. There's no way my mom can pull me out of that. And even if I only spend a year there, I still have a higher chance of getting into that university I'm eying.
    You referring to my "grr!" post, or what? In any case, I'll still be spending the majority of my time on the internet learning techniques and whatnot. And if it was just my VM down there, then there's always next week - I don't think my mom will go for the tutoring that fast.
    :0 My own cousins are coming from New York (or was it New Jersey? I forgot) tomorrow.

    Also, posted my commands, and PM'd the thing~
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