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  • Aw mang D:
    I have a flashcart so I don't have that problem, maybe you should get one too? I have an R4 but you should probably get something that is less old and poopy, not sure which one is the best choice atm.
    Do you have anything to play NDS ROMs properly with (a computer good enough to run an emulator or a flashcart for the DS)?
    if you do I could direct you to some place where you could get yer game (not on the forums tho as it's all illegal and shit, more like msn or something)

    if you're looking for actual game cartridges I can't help :C
    well um
    daikenki > jalorda (statwise)
    but gamawhateverthefuck > kokoromori
    so your choice here
    also those seem pretty similar to my team plans
    PERFECTLY LEGALLY ACQUIRED COPIES YES I have like three games going at once (two Whites and one Black)
    haven't had much time to play lately but still
    I'm cheerful in real life too, yeah, though I'd say it's less... concentrated? But being cheerful is important! It makes others happy, too.

    as in I got three nasty moles/birthmarks/whateveryouwannacallthems removed yesterday and it hurts a bit now and I have to be really careful with my right arm so that I don't rip the stitches and augh they're distracting me when I'm supposed to revise for tomorrow's chemistry exam OH JOY
    ouchhhhhh :C
    Eee~ It's so cute. :]

    And not anymore! At least mine and my friends' msn aren't~
    holyshit I got through the theory part of my driving test (probably gonna have the driving part next week, don't know yet) O: O:

    yeah man ! I finished my last painful PE course in the spring so I can totally relate C:
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