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I liek Squirtles

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  • Sure, but only when I have a free spot, because all three of my battle spots are taken. But OK, when we both have a spare slot, we'll battle. :D
    What does PUERTORRIQUEÑO DE CORAZON mean? I think I knew corazon when I was in Spanish class, but I don't remember any more.

    EDIT: OH WAIT, google told me what it was. :3
    Oh, that's probably because I'm talking about Hollows in Bleach or something. Their spanish-ness is smexy.

    Note that literally no one has ever bought anything from that business, so you'd probably just be out $25 and be a bit stuck if you got an idea that you could actually implement later, so that's probably a mercy.
    ..Or did I?

    Look closer. Read between the lines.

    Denied. I'm actually thinking about closing the fort because it doesn't fit in with our master plans.
    No, I'm not sure if he comes on anymore...

    ...Hasn't been on since 2010...

    So no...sorry....though I would like to know where he has gone...
    ILS, can you add my Elite Spy Team of Ditto to the Current Armies in Fish jumpers?
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