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Kai Lucifer
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  • oic

    And it's a habit of sticking things in my mouth. I marked it sos I can tell the difference.

    brandman's usually like that. kam is too sometimes. this is why i dislike new people and won't be putting up my art anytime soon (dwagie having a cute pokebanner wat how is that even remotely conected to the thing at hand) but really, let her do what she wants D: i think they're cool and shit,I don't really see anything too scary here and that was outta line.
    I'm getting one soon, I guess. Need to call mum for stuff sometimes.

    Testing one out as in 'smoking' it. I'm not a smoker, but hey. I gotta show 'em how to hold it; they're inexperienced 'smokers' so we wanna show that (lol kinda-directing)
    I don't even use the phone kai what

    I'm makin cigarettes for the anti-smoking thing. Six so far and I'm testing one out (obviously that one goes in the trash) now.
    Umm, I think maybe inside the Excel Centre but not inside the actual hall where everything is could be the best - there's lots of fast food places and stuff, so you could just say "I'm outside Burger King" or whatever. That and I'm not sure which one's the east entrance X3

    Rainbow paintings. Bingo. I can look for that :D I'm not sure what I'll be wearing on the day (I don't think I'll be cosplaying, but I might wear a crazy hat of some kind, and my Buffy t-shirt was a hit last year, so I might try it again), but I'll try and include some rainbows for easy identification :D

    Stupid hotel :/

    One month; oh my gosh, you're right!
    Thanks for calling, and I'm massively sorry for forgetting to text you earlier ><

    Also, with any luck I'll be getting to the Expo around 11-middayish, to give you some idea; I'll be sure to have my phone on/charged/with me on the day (If you think I'm bad with PMs (which I am), you should see me with phones), and I'll call/text you when I'm there.
    Am I correct in thinking you're staying at a hotel nearby, or are you coming down for the day?

    Can't wait! :D
    Cause I have exams (which I am probably failing because I am really really stupid) and one question was:

    If you could give any gift in the world, what would you give and to whom? or something to that effect.

    So. I owe you a camera. A real fancy one.
    Sorry; I've been phoning/emailing around to check with some other people about times, etc. - I'm staying at my friend's along with opaltiger the day before, and I'm not really sure how long it takes to get from her place to the Excel Centre, nor when we'll be leaving, or if we'll be meeting up with anyone else along the way. Which, I realize, complicates things a fair bit.

    In the interest of not stressing you out, I think it might be best if, on the day, once you (+ everyone) is there, give me a phone or text, and we/I will come and meet up with you, wherever you are. I'm likely to be there all day, so I can meet up with you guys pretty much anytime we're both there.
    Given how big the Centre is, how many people there'll be, and how unreliable London Transport is, I think it might be best if we made a meetup time/place on the day, rather than weeks in advance. Does that sound okay?

    I'll PM you my phone number in a sec :)
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