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Kai Lucifer
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  • I almost won one yesterday in a game. D:

    Also oh crap Trojans. I got one on my laptop back in January.
    Kai Kai Kai



    Oh XD I'll be doing some Warrior cat flips, some DR. OCTAGONAPUS BWAAAAH! flips, and "taken over" flips. And flips that go to songs. Basically randomness.
    As soon as I get a Hatena username... thing... I'm going to put flips on Hatena. Until then I'm just making and downloading. (and taking them over with my sister XDDDD)
    Ahaha, that wasn't me, I promise!
    (I only know this because I've never been to a Wal-Mart in my life)
    If it was someone who spotted a girl at the London Expo with that same shirt then yeah, I'm probably guilty XD

    Hehe, I love the idea of chavhunting binoculars! They wouldn't be too much use where I life - in Devon, my house is at the top of a massive hill populated almost entirely by pensioners, and in Canterbury everyone is either a student or a European tourist of some description. Good times.

    I think the recession hit the South-West especially badly; there are loads of self-employed people and locally-owned busniesses that closed down, and it's meant that lots of qualified people are working minimum-wage jobs, making it terribly hard for a student like me to find any work. I hope so hard that I get a job this summer, though - my parents will actually kill me if I don't.

    Aww, your parents are very sweet for offering to pay for lessons and such :) I drove for a while, but never took the final test. I was getting good and then broke my leg and was out of action for a good few months, and then had to start again pretty much frop step one. Then I was getting good again and then had to go off to uni DX
    My sister (who's three years younger than me, which is a bit embarassing) passed her test first time a couple of months ago, so I've been getting her to drive me places recently.

    Avenue Q is so fantastic <3 Have you seen any other west-end musicals?
    I go to London all the time, and that's a really fun, interesting place (I don't think I'd ever like to live there long-term, though) and I go to Wales and Cornwall quite frequently, too.

    I'm not sure if I like the look of Magmortar, either, actually. I quite like Magmar; I had one once on my team of ducks - alongside Farfetch'd, Ludicolo and Golduck XD

    I've raised to Pikachu to level 100 - my Pikachu on my first Yellow game (called Sparky, of course) who was the first Pokemon I ever got to level 100, and then another on my Ruby game, who I got to have HP Water. I've got a couple of Raichu too xD
    I want a Flying Pikachu toooo ):

    Most Pokemon on my team are pretty defensive; my Feraligatr, Ampharos, Flareon and Urgaring can all take a hit of pretty much anything, and my Alakazam has such massive Speed and Sp. Attack that he can kill most things in one hit anyways. My sixth team member is [whoever I'm training to evolve at the moment].

    Steampunk is a brilliant name XD
    I'm horrible at replying ._.

    Yes I do have Flipnote Studio, but I rarely ever use it. Which is okay since I suck anyways :D

    I noticed your thread, yes. The drawings are awesome :D

    Thank you :))
    By the way, you see my signature? I sprited that yesterday, and was wondering if maybe you could perhaps sort of kinda give it some c+c? :D

    I've had those problems too, but that was before the forum moved. Hopefully those problems have disappeared now :]
    *pokes your sig* I've been using Flipnote on my DSi, but I can't figure out how to make my Plusle caramelldansen like your persona D: She always shrinks. Any tips?
    No, I mean, the one with kidney failure.

    The one that needs insulin, the one they might move into a sorta homer, and the one I actually like despite him being so damn stubborn.

    I can't whip his ass into shape. I've tried. I saw him yesterday he looks...sickly. and older. Damnit.


    Clerrihew is a silly poem thing. I wrote about your raging when people scribble on your art (shhh I know it's not true but I couldn't think of anything else and like I had the testicles to insult any of my Teacod friends any ways :( I love you guys too much shut up. >>)
    I did. Hence ffff so awesome

    No, it's family stuff. My uncle's not even trying to take care of himself and I'm just afaraid one of these days...yeah.

    Cha-Cha Slide is stuck in my head. derp derp Charlie Brown whuuuuut

    I dunno enought to be able to dance dance. Plus no-one in their right mind would dance with a Typh pffftt.

    Also I had to write a cerrihew, and guess who I wrote it on?

    It's silly and not witty and it sucks so. Also fuck you nothing rhymes with Josh besides posh >(
    fffff so awesome 8D

    sorry i've not been responding; i'm having...issues. and stuff.

    but eh no one wants to hear me mopin' and being a emotional wreck, so~ I tried dancing today! I suck less than I thought I would, but I gotta work on my hips (salsa is also an amazing word. sal-saa
    I love double beds! I have one at my student house in Canterbury and I love it so much! There's one side for me and the other side for Edgar (my laptop) and all the other random crap I like to have within arm's reach. Except this means I keep sharing my bed with really strange things - one day I found that I'd been sleeping right next to a pair of scissors for the past three nights XD

    Aww, you're so lucky you can work with your dad! What're you gonna be doing? I really want a job - I've gotten to the point where I don't really care (within reason) what I do, so long as I get paid. The recession hot the South West pretty badly, though, and there are very few jobs to go around, so I'm not too optimistic ):

    When I first went to uni and had my loan and student grant and stuff, I thought "This is enough money to pay for everything I want forever!" but when you have to pay rent and bills and food and things, it doesn't go as far. Cherish your dispsable income while you can :D

    Well, my travelling is mostly between home (Devon), London and Canterbury (in Kent, where I go to uni), so it's not too interesting, though London has a lot to offer. I'd love to visit lods of places when I finish uni, too - I'd like to see some of the more Nothern places in the UK, because I've never been anywhere above York, and I'd love to live and work abroad for a bit, too. Going to an American uni sounds brilliant - my best friend does American Studies at King's College London and is going to the University of North Carolina for a year and it sounds absolutely fantastic. Plus, you'd only be paying UK tuition fees to spend a year at an American uni, which would otherwise cost like ten times more XD

    Nope, I've never battled anyone in an event. I don't normally do competitive battling, though. I normally train really underused, some-would-say rubbish Pokemon (some Pokemon I've raised to level 100: Pikachu, Linoone, Xatu, Persian, Minun), so it's not really conducive to competitive battling, but I'll give it a go!
    Plus, I can't get connected to the Wi-fi, so I've never done online battling (or trading or anything) either. I might invite myself over to my friend's house just so I can download the Yellow Forest to my Pokewalker, though. I'll get a Surfing Pikachu if it kills me >)

    Aww, Beacon's a cute name, though I read it first as Bacon XD Mine's called CJ because I'm geeky and am theming my game to characters from The West Wing. I also have Toby, Sam, Donna and Leo. Margaret the Stantler spends all her time on my Pokewalker.
    Mostly because it makes me laugh when it tells me "It looks like Margaret's about to jump on your back!" which is hilarious because it's a freaking Stantler and that would probably kill me.

    Crystal was fantastic, possibly my favourite game in the whole series <3 Though the Battle Tower was ridiculously hard in it.

    Haha; I make no promises, but Watch This Space :)
    Aaah, okay. You make sure you have fun relaxing! :D
    Have you got any plans for what you're gonna do over the summer?

    OMG and Ocelot cosplay would be absolutely amazing. Can you do the voice? The Ocelot!Voice is very important.
    My best friend said that, with my hair and the right glasses, I could cosplay Otacon. I'm still not sure whether that's a good or bad thing :/

    Haha, when the alternative is revision, I can play a LOT of Pokemon XD I travel a lot, and spend most of my time on trains and coaches just playing on my DS because it passes the time. I hit 50 hours yesterday XD
    I'll try and bring my DS to the Expo, yeah. And opaltiger's gonna be coming! :D I'm not sure about anyone else - Espeon and Butterfree came last year, but Butterfree's in Iceland, and I'll ask Espeon if he's about, but I think he's super-studying for exams and things.

    Everyone has an Ampharos because they're great :D And also pretty much the only electric Pokemon you can get in HG/SS. If you don't get a Mareep, the only other Electric-types you can get even vaguely early-on are Magnemite. Or, if you're very lucky/determined, Raikou. In Crystal, when they stupidly took the Mareep line out of the game, I'd always save before I got the Mystery Egg, and restart until it was a Pichu or Elekid, I wanted an Electric-type so much ):
    I'm with you on the irritation that everyone has one, though, but for me it's rage that everyone started with Cyndaquil. I polled people I know on Twitter, and out of about fifteen people, everyone but three people picked Cyndaquil, and all of them chose Chikorita. I'm the only person on Twitter to love Totodile ):

    And awww, thank you for my ArtThreadLove <333 I do have plans to bring it back, but hopefully in the summer when I actually have time to draw. I have a siny new sketchpad and some brilliant pencils, so when I have the time (and hopefully some inspiration) I'll get drawing again :)
    I hade a fuckload of really hard projects.

    Although you win testing wise. Mine though? It will take me an entire day. Three whole days of testing iirc, almost.

    Oh yeah. Then try and catch the Meowth equivelent

    readinf FMA and oh shiiiiiit
    I accidentally hatched your Cydna and Meowth eggs ;-; I forgot I had em in my party and yeah. Uhhhh if you can find a Ditto and hatch a Totodile egg and not level it up at all (or exp it) we could trade that o: DSame goes for whatever is the version exclusive equal to meowth, i think it's growlithe. THINK.
    And done with all my porjects! Tommorow I have a quarterly assesment and on the 27 statewide exams.

    Aaah, cool. Lucky you for having a gap between exams - last year I had two three-hour exams on the same day. It was awful. They're a bit more spaced out this year, luckily.

    Have fun on Saturday! Your day sounds absolutely awesome :D Eeee, I'm so excited about the Expoooo~

    I beat Red on SS last night, actually :D I'm now working on training my team (at the moment Ampharos, Feraligatr, Ursaring, Alakazam, Flareon and I'm working on finding a 6th member) and filling my Pokedex (which is around 100 atm). But I'm going to Truro tomorrow, which is a two and a half hour journey each way, so that should give me time to do stuff XD
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