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Kai Lucifer
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  • Oh noes D: What were you trying to draw? Could you maybe search the internet for reference pictures and use them to help?
    Muuuh, I feel bad for you ):
    Yup! It always amuses me how small the little stripe is, yet how MASSIVE it is in code form.
    Even when OS died, I couldn't bring myself to take it out of my sig :)
    Heya - I'm so sorry I've been uncontactable and unresponsive recently - stuff's been happening and keeping me busy (nothing monumental, just a constant... amount of stuff) - I've put my phone on to charge and will be around tomorrow evening. I'm childminding all day, so to have someone to chat to after all that would be very welcome :)
    I've been delaying it for the whole summer. Yeah, the art threads need more attention, and I'm guilty of not posting in them. I'll try doing that later.

    As for MSN and the like, I can honestly say I don't have one. I've been meaning to get one for years, but I keep forgetting about it. I'll try getting one soon.
    Nope, sorry :P I'm pretty sure some others have thought that too, the truth is I made it for a rainbow-themed spriting contest on GPX+ XD I don't even know who that is but apparently I accidentally made him into a Crobat XD
    Ah. It's fine. Although I'm having dinner soon so if I don't respond right away, it's that.

    I'm guessing you've suggested something doable from alla those categories?
    :U you do know i have a family and i do family things with them right

    i can't be here all day kai, and frequent messaging ain't gonna help

    now as for your drawings, sure post 'em

    and as for ellis well it depends. what's she into
    This is very true. You'd have to clean every inch of it every now and then just to be sure.
    Wear it every single day never wear anything different.

    I'd do that with my Gumshoe costume but I only have one suitable bandaid left.
    Knowing my procrastination skills, it probably won't get done until we've all forgotten about it, but SURE.
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