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Kai Lucifer
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  • I do keep up with thread (even though I don't really post), but thanks for heads upping me anyways. I'll get on posting there soon, but I'll have to delay adding links in the first post for a bit.
    Nah man, I owe you an apology. It's just that summer work > teacod, and then I end up not doing the summer work cause I get distracted too fucking easily. And then go oh shiiiit and get my ass in gear for a day, tops don't answer to some things and then boom, it's suddenly been a month and the cycle continues

    So I can't talk to you two right now, okay? No harm meant, though.

    ((just one thing though:

    >> sunny

    >> crazy


    ... :|
    Well, I'm under the impression that I'm supposed to request for whomever to be threadmin'd; it doesn't make much sense the other way around. I'll bring the topic up again and see how OS wants to go about. I'm still trying to figure out what would be the best way to go about it.
    Hey! I noticed in various places you hadn't been feeling especially awesome because of getting in a fight and everything and I don't really know you very well except for the OS and from Danni talking about hanging out with you at the London Expo and things BUT UM I just felt like I wanted to write you a message hoping that you feel a little better. <3

    Woah run-on sentence! Must mean I care. Haha.
    she usually seems so sunny and crazy and wonderful; lately she just hasn't been giving off those vibes.
    D: That is noy good. I mean, massive props to you for standing up for you friend, but... jeez. Are you okay?

    I'm really sorry about Sunday - I was actually in London seeing a show and was a bit "Crap! I left my phone on! How do I turn it off?" and didn't even notice who called, I apologize hugely and it's dead at the moment, but should be on tomorrow evening?

    Hehe. I just watched the third (and, for this series at least, last) episode of Sherlock. It was gooooood <3
    ...If I'm not mistaken, that's a reference to a UK insurance commercial of some sort that by rights I shouldn't (and don't really) recognize.
    Oh, pfft. Thanks. I change things so sporadically that I never remember to update one thing along with another. (Not that hypnomunk will be around much longer anyway.)
    yeah, she's stopped replying to my VMs as well.

    we could get some amusing .gifs off the internet and see what happens.

    Maybe you should combine this fantastic idea with your OS grouppic and have everyone on a rainbow? Not only do I approve of this SO much, if/when the OS Awards thing happens, you could automatically submit it for the colourgasm award XD
    Possibly, or it might of been that people just started getting lazy or there was an overload of art. I'd love to see your new thread, too. Hope you get it up soon. I might as well, too. Being the procrastinator I am, I'll probably wait after our family vacation, which starts tomorrow.

    I'm always up for a PM, which would be the best way to contact me. That or deviantart.
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