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Kali the Flygon

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  • Oooh, that sounds like a good idea. In that case, your character also must (have) owned the company responsible for the energy stealing nets, since that's a major part of his background, that his parents owned that company.

    And, maybe there could be a good amount of story where my character is attempting to lower Tanya's intelligence, considering Zemhal's goal is to pretty much make every Pokemon in the world like animals in our world.
    XD That's fine. I thought the psychic waves bounced off the crystals continously, but if they were moved or taken, then their failing would make much more sense than just, you know, going poof.
    XD Indeed. Yay - it's a good post. I'm being lazy and not posting again - but in about two hours, I probably will, especially if someone hasn't yet.
    Eh, it was alright. Some good points, some bad points... but overall, I enjoyed myself enough to make up for the lack of internet and family. And I missed cuddling my dog, but I can do so now, so~
    XD Sorry about this. I'm away for a week, and I don't see the point in having RP for a day and then halting it.
    Hey~ It would be awesome if you could make an app for Dreams of the Past today, because I want to start it tomorrow.
    Um, about that. I've rather lost the motivation to post in ODK, due to being wrapped up in other RPs (well, one at the moment, but I'm about to join another) and overall lack of interest. I wanted to pull out, but I feel bad about standing up Evoli, so I've kind of stayed in limbo. Honestly, I shouldn't have joined in the first place, since I knew I wasn't going to post much. I'm bad about not turning down invitations, you see. What do you think I should do?
    Alright, but I have a bunch of stuff to do and have to leave right now, so I'll get it up tommorow, if that's fine with you. >_< I just got back and so many things need my attention DDDDDD:
    Morning to you, too (even though it's not morning anymore).

    MSN is not that bad, actually. I suppose I'll have to get used to that ad in the bottom, but I'll live. And you can customize the background! How awesome is that!
    Ooh, my Staravia evolved today. XD It's cool too. I got Platinum, so I am happy. Now, to post...
    Thanks. ^^ It was great, if computer deprived. :P I lavished lots of attention on my new DS, and have a new love for Luxray and Empoleon.

    So, time to deal with post overload. My head hurts already. XD
    Afternoonish, but we're going crazy with packing. XD My friend is coming too, so we need to plan out the minimum of neccessities so we still have room for everything in the car.
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