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  • so apparently if i ask my crush if she's free I'm desperate
    i've asked said it to her twice already, keep that in mind

    I'm pretty good!

    ...Voldemort? Hahaha but seriously, nothing really? Life is pretty ordinary. Especially since I'm at home.
    Lots of work
    regional science fair of catholic schools is coming up
    im in it
    I need the big thing done by friday b/c that's the date of the practice science fair
    and absolutely no work on either pa or my script
    It's just a club where people meet and play Pokémon. They do other stuff like TCG and watch the anime (though I've never seen them do that) sometimes, too.
    Yes! I try to go as often as I can since when I go back to the UK there won't be one I can go to any more :(
    I'll have to remember all of this the next time I use the GTS. I don't have wi-fi in my room so I either have to go downstairs into a commons area or wait a week to go to the Pokémon society to use the wi-fi there.
    Oh! Didn't know that. I'll try that next time then. It still might be tricky getting a fair trade though.
    Well the way it works is we pick our topic, go on EBSCOhost and print out articles, and then read and annotate them. I'm still only on source 8/10, so there isn't really any shame in not being finished getting more information.

    And eh. I guess, but I don't enjoy talking about things I know I am not well-versed in.
    Yeh, abortion is touchy. I'm for it if it endangers someone's life not to get an abortion, like a miscarriage or something. But if it's on a whim... then no.
    I'm religious. I believe in God, I believe he's real, I believe in Jesus, Creed stuff etc etc.

    But I also believe in science and that God wants us to be happy. Cool Guy Pope Francis said atheists are also accepted by God if they are good people (or something along those lines). Same goes with gays. Have you seen the analogies made between the gay rights movement and the civil rights movement? They're astounding.

    I'm very liberal, except on abortion; I'm sorry, if science says that cells are a living thing, abortion is just killing babies. And that's horrible.
    my parents are against queers I think
    like idk why it's so hard
    are you happy
    some guy: yeh
    are you harming society in a nonbullshit way
    some guy: nah
    carry on

    see? not hard
    england whale?

    welcome to the land of 14, where the adults load your work plate like an adult, expect you to act like an adult, yet you're not an adult.
    that sounds like the dw episode with the space whale

    usually, they're not reviews but 'it could've been so much better if they did x' type of things. they're still longer than most essays I write.
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