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  • what no it isn't
    it has the word disc in it
    and world
    perhaps a world of discs???

    I've read the most critical and longest reviews I have ever read in my life because of Frozen.
    Disc World? Never heard of that.

    How about the academy lets the side of tumblr that's in charge of movies review them?
    Oh. What's on your reading list?

    Yeah, I do read a lot. I read Heroes of Olympus before Percy Jackson because I got the former on Three King's Day when I asked for the latter. I've read all of PJ except the last book. I read a Smithsonian book on the history of the world in like 3 to 5 days, and I'm an arduous ancient world fan (battles, cultures, classical mythology, etc). I'm a history buff in general, so there's where most of my tastes are.

    it is, isn't it? it's also quite sad. they should ask maybe kids to review them. that would be awesome.
    *gasps* that is an injustice against you mohac you hurry down to barnes and nobles and fight the patriarchy
    but you get divergent for reading material. divergent is awesome,

    it's not bad, but it isn't good either because that limits what I can talk about with her.

    did you see this thing
    Well I only picked my topic a week or so ago, but it's about whether or not an anti-intellectual culture exists, and if so, why it's harmful to society.
    I would get an Aromatisse over the GTS since I have it seen but everyone asks for an Arceus in return for a Bidoof there. I suppose I could get your Yveltel and trade it back, since then I could get it on the GTS once I have it seen!

    I have a thing where I need to actually own every Pokémon as well as have it in the Pokédex. In FireRed I managed to get one of every single Pokémon in my box except for Mew, Celebi, Jirachi and Deoxys. In Diamond I did the same but without Mew, Celebi, Deoxys, Jirachi, Shaymin, Darkrai and Arceus. I sort of gave up on that in gen 5 because there were too many Pokémon and I thought it was impossible.
    But now I'm doing the same in X! I still have no idea where I managed to get a Mew or Jirachi, though.
    Oh, I forgot it was yearly! I was thinking it'd be monthly so yeah it is a good price.

    B2W2 haven't even been out that long yet :(

    Also I don't need help transferring my Pokémon, there are still some Pokémon I can't get on my own. Do you have an Aromatisse or Yvettal I could have?
    Or Deoxys or Shaymin or Arceus or Keldeo or Darkrai or Genesect or Meloetta
    Nah it's okay, I'll be fine paying for it myself. $5 is about £3 but knowing companies, it's probably going to cost us £5 (~$7) to use Bank.

    Also it's sad that Nintendo wi-fi connection for DS and Wii is getting shut down in May, so I kind of have to transfer them all because the GTS in gen 4 and 5 will be useless.
    man you're lucky i couldn't find a good reaction picture or i would've fcked u up m8
    By the way, we exchanged Friend Codes a while ago, but you're not showing up. Did you get mine? If not it's 2878-9896-4067
    Had to trade it away, like the others. But my fifth Pokémon just happened to be a better Froakie.
    She doesn't. I find that a tad sad. We were discussing Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll, and she and another really smart girl were asking the teacher What a Bandersnatch was (whatever you it to be). Then, yesterday in my committee, Chris Christie came to field questions about the crisis (not actually him), and she didn't know who he was (to be fair, a bunch of people I know don't know who he is).


    Sadly, she doesn't read outside of what we're assigned at school.
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