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  • H
    Hey!!! Happy birthday!!!!! :D :D :D
    Someone was likely IV breeding them and I got one of the extras.
    Happy birthday! :D fff everyone's older than me ughughugh

    I'll find Fort ... someday. Sorry.

    Re: #secretpokemonbestfriend ... that's weird. >:o

    Hurrah, Lorde!

    Happy Valentine's day. I still don't have friends though. XD
    I'm trying to complete my Pokédex now. Only five or so to be seen in Kalos. It'd be much easier if I had my other DS with me since I have every Pokémon from gen 4 on Diamond, but I won't have access to that until May by which time my free pass on Bank will have run out :c

    EDIT: Happy Birthday :o

    ok so the whole thing awards and all ended at about 630
    we then went to fuddruckers
    idk when she left but when she said she would leave (her mom and brother were there) I made a ploy.
    I went to one of the tvs that would be in her way
    if she asked I would just say I was just watching the samuel jackson capital one commercial
    and I asked
    she didn't look me in the eye
    I asked her if
    next week
    she wanted to go catch a movie
    I sent her a fb message 2 shots o rum ago
    awaiting her response
    really? *grabs ds and white2 cart

    [no, it doesn't; I just like Absol]

    Pretty sure she's considered indie pop, which seems like a oxymoron. School's okay. I really need to stop cutting geometry but augh I hate math and I hate my teacher and I still have a good grade so...
    Oh, no, I just got it recently. I'm not using it because I already have a good team of six.
    The best thing that I'm not using is my Gale Wings Fletchling.
    Shiny Haxorus? You lucky duck.

    Allergies was because I get pretty bad ones in the spring. And yes, I do have an affinity for the letter A for no reason. :A
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