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  • it's super great!
    the music and visuals are outstanding and i love the final fantasy v feel
    She was probably asking 'cause it's an older song. My parents do that with me sometimes.
    I dunno your level of comfort in front of people, but the first time I was up on stage, it was nervewracking because I had a small monologue once Capulet and Paris left.

    The bday friend and me worked with bioremediation and fungi. We tried to see if the fungi would eliminate used and new motor oil. Everything is part of the Biology Club, run by my Biology teacher.
    Pretty good. Romeo and Juliet has passed, but the experience of the rehearsals and the time I spent after the plays at restaurants was amazing. I got one of the first places in the science fair (place is determined by points, there's not just one first place, but only one grand prize), tomorrow's one of my friend's birthday. We're gonna play gotcha. Aaand I hit my daily post limit again right now. That's getting frustrating.
    It kinda was like that. It was more like 'damn immigrants trying to take our jerbs an'-" "and then she reminded people she was actually americans because you guys gave us the title to use us for ww1.
    Yeah, after Sonia Sotomayor was appointed supreme justice, learned people that were actually in charge of justice accused her of being an immigrant when she wasn't, I realized many people are ignorant about our whole situation.

    you really should come here, especially around christmas time. really festive, the food is delicious year round b/c hell yeah puerto rican cuisine.
    I would love just seeing musicals, or anything, really. We don't get much outside stuff in here although we are a part of the US. We have american citizenship so we can move freely between the continental us and here, so that's a plus.

    *blushes* stahp it, I just throw random stuff into it.
    Musicals are huge everywhere, except here in Puerto Rico. Not much theater, actually. Now a small film industry is starting to crop up, though, so that's nice.

    I was all uwu because you mentioned me in a post as a best blog. I give all the thanks!
    You know, if you ever want to see Addams Family some guy uploaded the whole thing. It has the original Broadway cast which includes Nathan Lane (Timon's voice actor) as Gomez.

    Edit: AAAH uwu uwu thank you!
    Yeah, that's fine. I'll just breed it and get some extras. Magic bounce Espeon is awesome, I was pretty stoked to get that Eevee on wonder trade.
    Where do you watch it?
    My favorite musicals are The Addams Family and Wicked. Both of those have been made at my school. I also went to see Mary Poppins on Broadway.
    I made an updated list of what I have for trade here. You can let me know if anything interests you.
    well. I got it on launch, but I barely played b/c it was a friend's birthday and the battery ran out.

    Anyways, seeing as we're getting all hung up on musicals, what's your favorites?
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