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  • Ooh, sneaky-sneaky.

    ...So if you asked that and he didn't say yes then what would happen?

    Would it be possible to just give him the site address, let him know your username, and tell him to check out your activities on the forum to know that you're not doing anything bad?
    It's a bit hard to see when it's icon-sized, but Sasuke and Long Chan Chan (who are in the background) look a bit horrified. Nanami's got a running gag going on with her cooking being really bad. Probably not even Hai Yo can save that.
    'Eh? Eh?? Ehh??? You're not eating?' is what I was going for. [ ... usually has something in japanese related to whatever current icon is as the usertitle ]

    Suikoden Card Stories! I downloaded the artbook for it a bit ago.

    Thank you!
    Yes! :3

    Uh, hard like a Pokemon game in that if you level grind or do whatever (this is a puzzle game, isn't it?) for a while it becomes easy enough, or hard like Professor Layton like it's easy for a while and then becomes slightly challenging (and more fun) but after even more time you get stuck and can never move forward again?

    Or is it hard like a Zelda game where it's difficult from the beginning but you barely manage to make it through and then you have to look up walkthroughs later to continue and then halfway through the game it becomes clear you're very incompetent and can never finish the game because even though you know how to beat the boss or do something else you just can't do it? >:(

    I suck at video games that aren't Pokemon.
    ... He is?!


    Well, I do have money that I'm not really using right now... how hard is it?
    Yeah, Negrek removed your name when someone said you wouldn't be able to participate. Well, there's always the late bracket, at least.

    ...Speaking of which, have you gotten that issue resolved yet?
    Oh god oh god oh god oh god

    i'm facing kratos aurion for the first round of the tournament

    im gonna die
    He's probably getting back today, however late that may be. He'll probably show signs of life by tomorrow.
    If you need to use the computer without your dad knowing, the night is your best option. I have found out myself that it is easier to stay awake with tons of light blaring into your face.
    >:OOOOOOOOO Do. Not. Ever. Let. Her. Touch. Electronics. Again. She will kill you internet-wise!!! :(

    'Kay! :)
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