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  • Not right now it won't, considering my best friend and I are currently entangled in a horrendous drama with one of our other friends. But hopefully after we finish this life will be good and nice again! :D
    Ah. Well, I'm still CarapaceScientist if you ever want to chat. But not right now--I must sleep. Goodnight.


    And from that, the world's tears will create a large enough puddle to drown half of New York. :c
    That's what I'm trying to figure out--how to do it discreetly. If there was a way for me to make the call without it seeming kind of ridiculous to the police...

    Also, I'm worried for Silver too. Though, as you've likely figured out from experience, TCoD has a way of propping people up when they feel down.


    Timezones are just an elaborate scheme concocted by the government of Massachusetts to veil the true intentions of their time spent in secret laboratories behind bookshelves: they are trying to create the world's largest onion.
    I've been well lately. Good that you're feeling better! I bet it'll be even better when you figure out how to call about it. I'll try to think of something.
    ((( TH3N F34R H1M! )))

    (+.+) ((Hehe, chinchou face 0.0 ))

    1 4M 4LW4YS W1S3!

    *:(* (Oh...)

    Maybe soon I will learn to stop joining so many things. *looks at ASB battles and the Idea Center and all her mafias*... no, I never will.

    Yeah, but 'they' is more 'she' than 'it', right? I dunno, I got used to it, ~internet anonymity~
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