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  • AG: 8ut I will come first.

    arachnidsGrip [AG] ceased trolling grimAuxiliatrix [GA].
    uh... My friend code, I'm not sure of. I have to switch between two DSs repeatedly to battle, so it's different eac time. I''m getting a 3DS come mid-may, so I could tell you then.

    And, I'm really busy, so I don't think I can RP right now, sadly.
    Believe me if I played Gamzee it would be worse.

    CA: you can't even find me
    CA: im sure youll regret even comin for me
    CA: you cannot stop me and you wwill not stop me
    CA: and is that all you are goin to say
    CA: because that wwont help
    CA: not one bit
    CA: i am not wworthless to my cause
    CA: you wwere the one who so stupidly thought you could revvivve our population
    CA: wwhat you tried wwas magic
    CA: and magic isnt real so you had such a futile plan
    CA: youll nevver do it
    CA: i wwant you to come find me
    CA: i wwant you to kill me again
    CA: i wwant to see howw far youll go
    CA: i wwant to see
    CA: howw much you wwant me dead
    CA: believve me
    CA: itll be a wwaste of the time you havve here
    CA: itll just make the life you have evven shorter
    CA: knoww wwhy
    CA: because ill be the one
    CA: the one wwho kills you

    CA: i dont care if she wwas my counter part
    CA: she nevver felt the same about me
    CA: i dont really give a fuck if you are a rainbow drinker
    CA: you cannot touch me
    CA: usin science
    CA: ivve found my wway at avvoidin you
    CA: science is real
    CA: magic is useless and fake
    CA: SCIENCE is the ultimate tool
    CA: you just dont believve
    CA: because you are wworthless
    CA: you should havve stayed dead
    CA: think howw much better things wwould be since i came back and could have gotten my revenge
    CA: i really did flip my shit but only because of him

    I think I'm worse though...
    If you're lacking in one part of the brain (ie, social skills with autism), then another part is much stronger, or so they say.
    I'm a member of like 10 other Pokemon forums, so I'd imagine that I know my bbcode p well.
    So, are you autistic? I haven't been diagnosed or anything, but I might have aspergers, I'm p good at hiding it, though.
    And egg salad.

    CA: but sol nevver died
    CA: hes still alivve and wwell
    CA: at least as far as i knoww
    CA: i didnt evven kill you
    CA: evven if i did
    CA: it wwould havve been wwith the thing i know best
    This sounds a bit very sexist, but I typically think of males, when I hear of kids that have highly above average intelligence.
    I like eggs. I love boiled eggs :D

    CA: you kan
    CA: kan you need to stay vvery far awway from me
    CA: i still dont trust you
    CA: you did manage to get me that one time
    CA: but i came back
    CA: wwith SCIENCE
    AG: Well, you're the one who keeps going oooooooon and oooooooon about it.
    AG: >::::?
    Oh, I see. I was just wondering because I thought it was a sort of usergroup or something. Thanks for clearing that up.
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