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  • <No in nsign language> um, actually yes. XD. they kinda look like the letters. I have no life because I memorized the language in Artemis Fowl. {Gnommish} I can actually read it.

    I live in a one floor, three-bedroom house. And it's in the middle of nowhere. And I have three siblings. We're talking about moving soon.

    Thanks! I think I'll finish your cubone today.

    Thank you! (Sorry for not replying to your last message before that ><; I've been in an... odd place lately. But I'm okay now I think~)

    Merry Christmas to you too my dear <3
    <no in unown language>

    I'd gladly trade houses with you. But I know yours would be nicer.

    Thanks. I actually used a picture of a real drum kit for refference. That was actually an edit. I used the B/W musician sprite. Haha, that's what most people think. ^-^. Thanks! It really helps when people give positive advice.

    *hug* I know. it's an epic idea. I would go no matter what. You should. it's a great title. YAY ICE CREAM CAKE AND SODA AND COOL FIRE WORKS AND CHRISTMAS LIGHTS AND THESE ARE A FEW OF YOUR FAVORITE THINGS AND FALL OUT BOY AND *sharp intake of breath* EVERY SINGLE OTHER HAPPY THING!

    You win at everything you do because you're absolutely fantastic. :3
    hurrdurryay :3
    <No in some random language that uses a lot of constnonants and no vowels, like ghjkhjdns.>

    Well, over here it doesn't get much hoter than 75. (Though I think we had a 95 degree day once.) And it's really the school off I look forward too. (you know, I almost think we should trade houses for a while, and see how each other likes it.)

    I see, I'll try that. Oh, and some stuff I've done. First ,the drum kit:

    and then here's one of the people in the band (based off of Patrick Stump(Why yes, the band is fall out boy.)): [IMG]

    And here's another. He's not finished, but one thing I want to note is the instrument. This is Pete Wentz's real bass, and I drew this: [IMG] Now I need to make two more band members, a microphone, and the actual banner. But, I'll do your cubone first because thats infinitely more times easier.

    *HUG* I'm serious. That's the best thing I've heard since the person who suggested Tcon. And, yes, you're right. Everybodyt expects that from you. YAYAY DAZZLING COLORS!
    <No in japanese>

    Well, I would actually like the snow to go away. Summer vacation, now there's a holiday I look forward to. Well, it was a purple disk, and I basically hurtled down a hill at 300 mph. Not fun.

    Sure! Oh trainer sprites? I'd like some advice on those. I'm currentlly making a banner with sprite renditions of all of the members of my favorite band. I scratch sprited a drum kit, and I edited a guitarist (from diamond) and a Musician (from B/W). But I still have to find another guitarist and a drummer. And I may have to scratch sprite a trainer, which is not fun.

    *hug* That is the best advice I have ever heard. That's something I'm going to live by from now on. YAY!!
    Not in the slightest. -_-;

    Didn't think so. It's about 200 miles north of indianapolis. I heard something about the weather channel actually brining white christmasses to familys who live in places like florida. Same here. Although I think I did get a sleigh one christmas.

    No problem It was fun to draw. In fact, if you have anything you want recolored or the like, I can do it for you. (although I'm no good at scratch spriting. And fusions are a bit complicated for me.) Sure, I'll try it.

    *hug* I... I really don't know what else to say. But I can feel your hapiness radiating off of you, so YAY!
    I hope you feel better soon D:

    And I /think/ I fixed my sister's present...a extra nail might have come off of it when the lid flew open...

    what. lies. D:
    herpderpyay. :3
    Not At All.

    Yep. If you've ever heard of Middlebury (which you probably haven't; I don't think anybody outside of the region has.) I wish I had that kind of christmas once in a while. It's always cold, and we have to stay inside. (this is why most of our presents are videogames or stuff like legos.)

    Actually, I was trying to show you a picture that I sprited (actually, recolored) for you, but it didn't show up because I linked it from my album. You could go to my profile, and click on the album. It's the first one there. (I need to find an image hosting site that's not photobucket.)

    YAAAY That's such good news! *hug*

    Do too. D:
    herpyay. x3
    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Only because you win at everything D:
    ...aaah too many a's yay me. 83
    ............. Oh. Not the smartest thing I've ever said.

    Oh, that's right. Florida is in the same time zone as Indiana. What's a florida christmas like? (not much snow, I'd imagine.)

    To make this! I just started started spriting, so it may not be the best. But nonetheless...
    Merry Christmas!

    Well, if there's hope, then it's the best possible thing. It gves people things to, well, hope for and live up to.
    Yes, but you know not of my spies...

    Actually, CHIRSTAS IS IN 10 HOURS!! (sorry, over excited) where I am.

    *facepalm* Of course. I remember seeing that somewhere. BRB *runs off to an undisclosed location.*

    Yes, that's true. I just hate it when this happens. I've had a couple close family friends die recently, (though none of my friends, but more like nice people I knew.) And it's terribly sad when you have to see them go, but they're all at peace from that point on.
    Yayyyyyyyyy. :DDDDDDDDDDDD

    Fine you win x3
    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay me :3
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