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  • So, you and silver have found out about my Blade army...

    Also, Merry Christmas Eve in 15 minutes where I am!

    Also also, what's your favorite pokemon? (It's important.)

    By the way, I heard about your friend. I am so sorry. I've never had someone who was close to me die, so I don't know how to relate, but I would imagine that it would be horrible. *hugs*
    Yayyy. :DDDDD

    Nuuuu. I lurves you moar, you cheery, happy, nice, wonderful, talented, beautiful, caring, kind, skilled, smart, helpful, fantastic, amazing, MJ-fangirling Charmander you. :3
    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay me. :3

    [randomrant] Omigosh it's so cute!!!! YOU DRAW SO WELL AND IT'S SO CUTE AND AND AND....I LOVE IT!! :DD [/randomrantend]
    Yayy. :DDD

    o-o I won't get you started then. :D
    Nuu. I lurves you moar, you fantastic, amazing, MJ-fangirling Charmander you. :3
    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay me. :3
    Well, hey, it's an amazing drawing. I love it so.

    You're quite welcome. You can always count on us. :3 <3
    You did a great job on it. That's why it looks fabulous.

    And yes, I saw your journal. I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to lose a close friend...But all of your friends, including me, are here for you. <3


    Hai. :]
    Well, it wasn't that hard, and we got to sing Hallelujah and Carol Of The Bells at the end, so I was happy with it. I think if you tried, you could probably learn it. (depending on how musical you are.)

    I really think that next year I should replace my Gym class with a study hall. I know that it'll only get tougher for me when I start my sophmore year next year...

    I know what you mean. Also, when I need to PM someone about something that's urgent, they're not on. And when they DO get on, the urgent thing doesn't really matter anymore.
    Nothing much. Waiting until it's time for my brother and I to go to the friends that were over yesterdays' house.
    Well, I guess when you mix Welsh and Mexican, you get varied. I had to learn 10 songs in spanish for a christmas concert I recently had. I can't get them out of my head.

    A lot of people still seem to be- my school district seems to be the only one who started christmas break on the 18th. Argh,yu have o Idea how true this is for me. I'm in five honors classes, an after school- science competiton, and choir. And I don't have a study hall.

    Conversations II only get distracted by if they're on going- If I make a reply and somebody else replies in, say ,five minutes, I usually stay on the forums. I agree. it's happened to me a couple of times in which people just stop talking and seem to leave. (on the forums, that is.)
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