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  • My family's looks are completely messed up. My brother looks nothing like me.(sometimes, I think he's adopted. XD) Well, I don't speak spanish either. I can read it, I can write it, I can even sing in spanush, but for some reason, talking just fails me.

    Most schools are tough on students. With practices and homework, there's just no time for me to do anyting fun during the week. And when I go on break, they assign homework. It get's really hard to make it through the week sometimes.

    The main thing on the forum that distracts me is ASB. It can take anywhere from 1-3 hours to produce a good reffing. And now I've got two battles that need to be reffed. Youtube also distracts me sometimes.

    (sorry for such a late reply. I was gone all day in Chicago and was away from a computer.
    Well, I'm half-spanish. My dad's side is from england, and I don't look spanish at all. Well, I'm just starting out learning spanish, so sorry if I said that wrong. Gracias!

    They ALL are. It's just that some of them have hearts.

    Well, the forum is a big distraction for me, but I get my homework done. (barely.)
    Well, they're playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl on our Wii, and I'm on the computer.
    I didn't know that! I'm a bit spanish too. (both my grandparents were born in mexico.) I just recently learned about christmas in mexico, so... Feliz Dia de Los Reyes! (I hope I said that right.)

    That's horrible. I think you should actually get days to relax before christmas.

    I procrastinate too, but I think I've gotten a bit better over the years.
    And a happy new year as well (and any other holidays you may celebrate that I forgot.) I heard some people don't get out till wednesday. (my friend in chicago has to take finals on tuesday. I feel sorry for him.) And I got virtually no homework. I need to write a paper for science and do a math assignment. But that'll take me about 2 hours, max.
    2 weeks of no school~

    Key West goes NEIGHHHHHHHH

    Fever? I hope you're feeling better. :( Presents and cookies? :D xD

    My midterm was half-multiple choice. I'm questioning the goodness of the test, but it was so easy~ :D

    Forensic. Science. Your school sounds like a spy-school that trains people to have a normal day-life but awesome night...lives. Incomplete? Don't they let you retake it later (after break) if you missed a midterm/final?

    In different news, I did a volunteer-thing with some other people for a nursing home. I played the piano and sang a bit. :3 But it was fun and the old people were nice. :D
    No. I don't either cuz it means somethings wrong D:

    well, I'm getting there! Barubu had 1,000 posts and now he has close to 800 or 900.
    Happy almost-winter break~

    Tampa goes MEOW.

    Ahhhh~Disney and Thanksgiving and other stuff that was a billion years ago. :P Doing anything for Christmas?

    I have a math midterm tomorrow and that's the end of school! :D
    Ah. So they deleted a bunch of forum games posts.

    I can understand; it's so hard to get those last few posts. and now you're back by about 100. (as a suggestion, becoming active in the safari zone or RPs is a good way to rack up posts.)
    Cuz of all the 500 errors and the forums weren't able to be accessed by some people cuz they pretty much crashed.


    Do you have any idea how this happened? I lost about 150 posts for some reason.
    Yes! It was because the mods got rid of some of the posts in forum games! D: now you're not close to 1,000 posts anymore! ;-;
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