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  • I'm sorry ; ;

    Yay~ :3

    Oh, sounds like a cool plan! I've seen the Kandia region (I keep thinking of Canada, though; must be the name), and I thought the designs and such were really cool. :3
    I'd say you should go for it, definitely! I'd like to see them~
    This is the only other thing I can find that I like. (Another way of saying the only one I like that isn't gory.)
    (Though seriously you don't think it would scare anyone do you because I mean she's not going to be a mass murderer or anything her appearance will just be off-putting really)
    Oh, I've already have a character and such in mind.
    In fact, here's a thing for you now.
    If it's not GC material, or doesn't conform to its standards, I can find a different one.
    Mmkay, I put Charizard, Caterpie Egg, and Chikorita in my sig. :D Oh, and I linked my adoptables to FJ. ^^
    MLP IS NO.

    Also, progress on the page is postponed. I can copy the stupid template on this, asdfghjkl
    Nah, don't sweat it; I'll feel more *in-sync* when I get that page ready. ... Also, I probably should ask you about the picture I plan to use, but I have to go find it now...
    I'll put a proper burial soon. To be honest, I'll only miss my Charizard. ;^;

    Wait! My Charizard! I left it in the daycare! He's still alive! <3
    Thanks! Oh, by the way, can you give me the pics to my adoptables barring the Caterpie? because I'm stupid and deleted it from my sig after wiping my sig clean argh
    Yay! Account is set up, kitten is alive! A few questions: What images have been uploaded to the wiki and where can I get link to see them? And is the text box with the "Add new topic" button by it where we make new threads and what not? The last one was kinda stupid, but I'm just confirming. =P

    I'm about to go sell newspaper/yearbook ads, as I'm on newspaper staff at my school this year o3o
    You should watch it! It's pretty good. Also gory. But good. I prefer the novels, though, because the main characters I like are Isaac and Miria, who are basically Team Rocket, and they don't have much screentime.
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