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  • Okay, well she'll be waiting for you whenever you're ready.

    She wanted me to at least say to you that Silver Island Forum isn't a great place. "The place is mostly overflow from Cosmo when it sort of imploded."

    Anyway, sorry to pester you about it.
    Hey, sorry to bugger you, but I don't suppose you could start taking PMs again, could you? Phantom really wants to talk to you and explain her feelings. ._.

    I don't know what the subject is, or what needs explaining, but Phantom just wants an opportunity to talk whatever it is over.
    if you've received a private message from someone else, I don't know about it; only official infractions ("You have received an infraction/warning at The Cave of Dragonflies forums") are made available to other moderators. Additionally, if you have images anywhere else (like that 'storage room') that don't credit their sources or artists, you should probably fix those also.
    Will you still be running the Fi$h bank? I'll go and either VM people or post a discussion about removing custom sprite adoptables.

    I also noticed the is a broken link in your sig.
    I have a few questions.
    1. In regards to the thing about plagiarism with the adoptables, do we need to take away custom adoptables?
    2. Will you still be managing your shop and the unlikely edit contest?
    Very well, SuperRichieGuru, since I cannot be your Nail, I shall be the Autarch of Flame! Bow before my awesome flames!

    (God I missed this place)
    Sure, I guess. It woundn't be too much of a problem. Would you still participate in the things? I don't know where you get the cool stuff like the eggs and adoptables. I'd need some help, but I could probably manage it.
    Great master! I humbly suggest that you check the orders in soupfish`s shop!
    No, I was viciously murdered!

    Hello, sorry, I've been really busy & haven't really had time to pop on here, but I'm back now!
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