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  • Hm. So any money that I would gain from the battle, along with experience, really wouldn't have any effect on me at all?
    I wouldn't say so; it's not like the account reset would have any effect on that actual battle.
    I don't meant to rush you or anything, but I was wondering if you had any prediction on when mock grading would be done.

    Kudos ^.^
    Oh, cool. I thought it looked familiar; I have an old book of Pokémon cards and their values and such, and that one's in it. ^^

    (However, I can't submit them now, she hasn't compiled a list of their usable TMs at the current time.
    How you ever heard of Butterfree's Letal Family? I kind of took it upon myself to ask her permision to use then (that may have been irresponsible of me, sorry,) and she happily obliged. I just kind of figured we needed more steel types, and the Letal line seemed great. Check it out, or just hit me over the head with a virtual frying pan.
    Which is the fastest? And four birds just ...5 birds just hit my window...jeez.
    Oh, so how many doubles max? And is that just more of a chance that you'll miss?
    Hey, for Double Team, it takes 1% energy right? If so, does it take 1% energy every turn there's a double? And is all damage multiplied by how many clones there are? (e.g.) charizard does 38% max with everything on BlastBurn but he has 3 clones. Does it do 152% damage, but also take 4x the energy? Because if so.... ^-^
    Did you create all of the stuff for ASB yourself? Or was it something you.. uhm, expanded upon?

    I think it's all awesome. Just the detailed-ness of even the rules makes it actually fun to read. Thanks for, uh, writing that out? :D
    hey there~

    I was wondering if you fixed my Pay Cheque yet in the Ref Center. I know your busy, I was just wondering if you've had.
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