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  • Ah, I'm in the sidelines. xD I've been a member for years, but with the post count added from the previous forums, I probably only posted about 900 posts or so.

    Lucky. D: I have many things I want to do and need to get done, but alas, no time.
    Well, that's the cost of being in the sidelines I guess. ;;
    Seeing as you're more into ASB, you wouldn't see me there. I guess the lack of time is also a factor of being so inactive.
    ...huh? It's always been there and still is, but just dragonflycave.com works without it, too. Just as with, well, any URL that starts with www as far as I know. o.o Though cookies from one won't carry over to the other.

    (Incidentally, I have finally been reading Clouded Sky. How do you make so many plot twists in one fic, woman? @_@)
    Ah yes hi.
    ... Now that I think about it, I think this is the first time "talking" to you in the years I've known you. o_o;
    (Lame way of making small stalk. 8D; Sorry. But yeah, hello.)
    I added the reff. You must hate me for my slowness T_T

    I was sick and ASB section as well as art section kept loading odd. I had to try reffing on Word Document before actually putting it up. I don't want to give up that reffing cause I think that is horribly irresponsible. Since I have access to this at school now, I can keep up to date with it. I promise. =3
    I should really have done that long ago.

    I should also have finished the hack long ago, for that matter. x_X
    No. I'd just like to be able to take challenges again, not somehow let my battles keep going.

    Would you allow that, circumstansuly?
    Umm... I got DQed for reasons beyond my control. If explained, would it possible for it to be forgiven if explained?
    It's definitely worthwhile as long as you're willing to give up Windows compatibility for some stuff. Most of the time there are perfectly good free replacements and there's always WINE, but you can't get everything to work. :I Ubuntu, at least, is fast, doesn't have a terribly steep learning curve and for whatever Windows has that it doesn't there are a lot of other cool things to mess around with. I'd definitely consider at least dual-booting.
    My laptop dual-boots Vista and Ubuntu 9.04, and I switch back and forth between them every once in a while... got the rest of the family to install 9.04 on some of the other computers in the house. And I have Fedora 9 on a really old laptop I don't bother with much, but I think they're up to 11 or something now. Why?
    Hi! I don't mean to be a bother, but I see that you updated the Challenge Board and I'm still restricted (as if I was involved in three battles/challenges). However, one of my battles has been finished by DQ. I was wondering whether this was just an oversight or if I missed some reason that I would be restricted to only 2 battles/challenges. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
    Excuse me, how many battles can one participate in at once? Just a question I've been left with considering I usually do two to three sometimes at once. I would like to know not that I get involved in too many when I'm not allowed.
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