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  • I was thinking they do it in unison, actually. So something like:
    FMC and moon-panther fingerpoint and bangdesk simultaneously.
    FMC & moon-panther: THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!

    >:( What do you have against coffee, Mike? It's a wonderful drink. *sips*
    That is indeed a weird letter! :O Here's some for you!

    ɱϯʞɇ ʈϞə ϜΘ˟ǶǭƷ

    ... only barely recognizable! |D
    A happy ~watermelon~! Watermelons should always be happy. Deliciously happy.

    Thank you! :D
    Anglia Ruskin? That's a cool name. And oh wow, that's awesome. :3 Is it the furniture and carpet as well as the walls?

    Woo, I'm sure you'll get in. Don't worry about it! You will make it.

    My birthday was good; especially seeing as I didn't have to do anything. Well. I hit balloons around the living room, ate cake, and had a driving lesson. But I had no lessons at school that day - it's my day off. I have a two week timetable, you see. Haha, so yeah, it was fun. I went for an awesome Chinese meal on Saturday, and will be clothes shopping at some later point. I'll remember - hopefully - that it's your birthday! Haha, being an adult isn't so bad. You'll be able to vote. And tell others that you're an adult! I don't feel much like an adult, to be honest - maybe I will when I'm about twenty-three or something.
    Sorry I haven't replied for ages, Mike. >.< *has been sort of TCoD-not active* Apart from, um. Occasional lurking, or stalking, or whatever you want to call it. Ehehe, yeah, I noticed my saignature isn't valid anymore but I couldn't be bothered to change it. *will do it sometime* Hehe. Thanks for telling me, though! And hah, I so had to put the stuff about underwear. Seriously. And thanks for the happy birthday!

    Oh yeah, I'm a little more behind than I remembered. Hmm... my ASes or however you spell it - but I'll do it like that - were not bad. I could make the alaphabet. :3 ABC and D. A for German, B for English, C for French, which I'm retaking as this was a bit surprising though I got an A for the oral, and D for history, which I disliked anyway so yay. How about you? :D I possibly remember reading something about yours in a thread somewhere but kindly tell me anyway. Chap. *is speaking weirdly* Whee.
    I figured it was something like that. x)

    I never really got much into Sonic. Far too interested in pokemon and sailor moon for that. xD
    Oh, oh, maybe FMC can do that, and moon-panther can yell THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE and do a dramatic Phoenix-Wright fingerpoint.

    *hands you a fork and digs in herself* Coffee, mmm :3
    Actually he'll probably say something like, "I can't believe those deliquent whippersnappers think I would do something as uncouth as screech and I will beat them over the head with my Eevee until they retract that horrendous allegation!" And then he'll notify Negrek, who will be all NO STOP YOU FOOLS. Kusari will chime in with WHAT THE HELL, and then we'll get smited by ASBgodlightning. Three times.

    (Then why have we not eaten those messages? *whips out two forks*)
    Iknowright? XD

    I need to see thoose credits again.
    And then there was that guy looking for an argument... Ha. Hahaha. I love that sketch.
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