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  • yes but the way it sounds

    Or I could have Stephen headdesking. Or Hugh being all "No, really, that's fine! D:"

    ...or one of these (lol other tv shows ) cartoon Blackadder want :D
    Well, maybe I could make the challenge next Halloween? :0 Because it totally deserves to be taken on Halloween!

    Yeah. I wiggled them at Butterfree and she caved in immediately.
    That works~ Or maybe ask Dwaggers to steal it! Or me!

    o.o How did you find out? Negrek actually stomped my mock reffing into the dust. I just magically obtained moderator powers to edit my name into the list.

    dd you say hai

    ...it is either four or "There;s a big chunk of METALLIC RAPE coming my way!"
    ...because....METALLIC RAAAAAPE

    Or the finger Bill Bailey OR ALL OF THEEEEM
    Orly, do you? *pokes PokeGhost* Come back you >:(

    Orly? Well, much as I hate to dampen your excitement, I think it was a mistake. But eh, just wait until paychecks come out, and then you can ask her, perhaps?
    ...Well then. D: I remember taking a challenge without checking recent activity - one of the battlers hadn't been seen in over a month xD Oops. But is it just who finds it ironic that PokeGhost disappeared on Halloween?

    I just want to establish myself a reputation of being an insanely-fast ref :'D Though that also means that I have no life, heh.
    You're lucky you joined just as we got a raise, though. Before novices only got $3 per round - a team approver gets more than that just by approving a Pokemon >.>
    Grimble lied. D:

    Um. EAT THIS *gives magical powder*

    ... Wait, is that Dragon!Powder?
    >.> Does his profile say that he hasn't been around?

    Yeah, you'd best not take 4 xD And I'm reffing 6 - just took another one, an emergency battle. Though, I make it my goal to update each battle during the day the commands were given, or the day after. Most refs post the reffed round around what, 4 days after?
    i'm not that bothered by it, i'm more bothered about why bothered has two e's
    it makes no grammatical sens damnit
    There's a big metal chunk of METTALIC RAPE coming my way!

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