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  • Awesome! :3 So, you like glitches, yes? x3; I love Missingno., he's epicz...XDDD x3; <3

    Its almost christmas!^^ I should totally make you a blingee my new friend^^
    Anyone for a Charmander egg? I have to breed one for my friend anyway, so it shouldn't take long.
    Tee-hee. Thank you.

    Yes, there is an, "Ideas," discussion. Not limited to merely Concept Art, but nonetheless...
    Hmm, okay and horrible at the same time. Two friends of mine have commited suicide recently and I have been depressed over them.

    Other than that, I am doing great.
    *flail* it's the borg and top gun not nighthawk and afterburn :( then again i doubt you've been going there every summer since the age of 11 like i have so it's not ingrained that it's the borg and top gun lol

    the intimidator is probably my favorite, but the vortex is pretty sweet too
    "i went to an amusement park about an hour from where I live over spring break"

    that wouldn't happen to be carowinds would it??
    I'm fairly sure it's a chain, but it seems to be specific to the Midwest. :/

    But, I did check their online site and they're selling a used Pokémon Blue for $18 (not including shipping), which seems kind of pricey, but might be your best bet. They don't seem to have any other of the main series in stock, however. There's also communities dedicated to Pokémon collecting that have those games that pop up time to time for usually cheaper prices. The only one I can really think of (or follow for that matter) is pkmncollectors, but I'm sure there's loads more. Do note that you would have to join livejournal and the community to purchase the games.
    Saw your post in the Grr thread!

    If you have a Slackers in the area, might I recommend checking there for Gen 1 and 2 games. The one in my area sells used main series games for $15, which is hopefully a bit cheaper than what Amazon has. You may want to check the status of the internal batter, however. GSC is especially prone to having the battery run dry. It's fixable, however.
    Hi, Scootaloo! Adriane said to share this page with you.

    http://www.otis.edu/faculty_projects/geraths/animaldrawing.htm It's a bunch of sketched giraffe references as a tutorial! There are multiple poses, explanations, and some other links.

    (also on the page: elephant, gerenuk, sabertooth, and moose sketches; and a small photo of a sabertooth skull. In case you don't like to look at skulls, then you can be wary while scrolling down.)
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